Part 8

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The next Saturday, you walk down to Vicar's Common with Zoe for the Phoenix fundraiser. You wonder what Zoe's thinking; she seems lost in thought.

"Hey." you say, nudging her. "What's up?"

"I've got to win today Y/n. It's not fair." she replies, face set and not even glancing in your direction.

"Zo, you're making no sense; what's not fair?" you persist.


"That's a bit vague. Care to explain?"

She sighs. "There's a competition. To train with the England Women's team. I didn't get to enter, because Jack bumped into us at the exact right moment when my entry video was uploading. Savage saw me on my phone in the corridor."

"Well, that's hardly Jack's fault." you say, but put your hands up defensively when Zoe glares in your direction. "Sorry Zoe! But what does that have to do with winning at the fun day?"

"She always gets everything she wants: Captain of the team, new boots, and she's already been to St. George's Park for last year's final! Isn't it time someone else had a chance?" she says, then strides forwards in the direction of the fun day.


"Alright Y/n?" Dillon says to you whilst you're stood waiting around for the fun day to begin.

"Yeah. But be careful: Zoe's fired up to win today." you warn.

"Oh I'm so scared!" he says sarcastically with a grin.

You laugh. "You should be. Zoe can be pretty...ruthless sometimes."

He shakes his head, smiling at you. You can tell he doesn't believe you, but you know Zoe better than anyone.

"She can be!"

"Ok, ok! I believe you."

"Anyway...where's Jethro?" you ask casually.

"Apparently he's got a virus."

"Oh." you say, disappointed that he won't be there. But you don't have to explain your obvious disappointment to Dillon, because Jack's dad get's everyone's attention, and Jack begins to make a speech.

"Thanks for coming down everyone. We have a lot of fun events lined up for today. Yes, it is a competition,"

You sigh.

"and yes, we will be using one of these." she continues, holding up a football. "Boggy is our official Stats man today, and will announce the winner at the end of the day. So without further ado, let the fun day begin!"


The first competition was penalties against Wozza.

"Ok. Penalty shoot out." Hansard explains, "3 points if you score, 1 if you hit the woodwork."

You and Zoe both score every single time, but you can't help feeling disappointed that the one person you want to impress isn't even there.

After Zoe explained to you about why she didn't want Jack to win that morning, you couldn't help watching her. After a while, you realised: what was so special about her that meant she was captain and not you? Or Zoe? Maybe it was because she had more experience, but you had been captain at Westfield, hadn't you? Maybe it was just because Hansard had seen Jack play more that she was the natural fit. But just because you were new, it automatically ruled you out?

But you also realised something else. Phoenix was your chance to impress everyone. Including Jethro.

Jethro x Reader | A Jamie Johnson FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin