Chapter 1

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( you in different looks on top )
Y/N a sweet girl from ( where ever moxie's parents live ) now coming of age. She decided to move in with Moxie and Millie, not wanting to pry but Moxie didn't take 'no' as a answer, getting her a job at I.M.P, she became a assassin.


I walk off the train, I look around and see Moxie looking around. I grab my bag "hey Mox" he turn around hugging me, I smirk at Millie "well well well, it's Millie. The one Mox stole from me" I swish my hair back and chuckle.

Making Moxxie growl "hey that's my wife" "Oh shut up-" a other imp fell out of nowhere and laugh "hello, I'm Blitz. The O is silent"

"Sir, did you follow us?" "Oh shut up Moxxie, you don't talk about your sister like that" I smirk as I help 'Blitz up "what O?" "His name is Blitzo sugar, but he calls himself Blitz" Mollie says.

"Aaahh." "Let's get you settled in, shall we" blitz says grabbing my hand and walking away with Millie.


We giggle.

< time skip >

I walk into my room, Millie walk in "hey sis, so are you ever gonna grow? Hahaha!!" Millie joke and I smirk, I went up to her, kissing her cheek. She blush lightly.

"To bad Moxxie grab you, just cuz I am smaller then Moxxie, doesn't mean I wasn't good in bed. Probably better then him" I walk passed her, gliding my tail under her chin making her giggle.

I walk down the stairs and look over, seeing the time. "Ugh" I roll my eyes '10:30pm' I sat down on the couch and turn the Television on.

"Aaaahhh~ Moxxie!!" I hear Millie moaning, something drop from the ceiling and I look over to see Blitz
"hey boss, so you just jump out whenever?" "Yep, kinda fun. Hehe, we should go to the bar and have some fun"

Shrugging "yeah sure" I get up "hey MILLIE BABE AND MOX. I'm going to a bar!"
A door open "Okay Y/N!! Extra key is under the welcome mat!" Hearing Millies voice, I smirk "okay!" I shut the door and look for the extra key, I turn seeing Blit swinging the key around with his finger.

"Hehe, you demon. Gimmie it" I grab the key and Blitz chuckle. Rolling my eyes we walk down the street towards a van with a hell hound "hiya hot stuff" I smirk at her and she blush lightly, blitz put his hand up in front of my face.

"No no no. That's my daughter Loona"
"Huh?" I look at blitz in a shocking way. "It's an adoptive relationship" Loona growls, I nod

"Yeah but still, it counts. Loona is the receptionist of I.M.P, the adoptive daughter of me... so basically related"

I giggle at him, stopping at a bar. "Wait, this isn't a imp bar"
"No, but I know the boss here" Blitz smile

"Basically that means he fucks him" Loona says as she text on her phone making me laugh, Blitz sarcastically laugh at us. Getting out, putting his sunglasses on, he kicks the bar door open and walks in making me laugh "Blitz it's 10pm, why sunglasses!" I walk in.

Blitz went up to the bar and Loona lean on the wall leaving me by myself. I walk towards the bar hearing a familiar voice ( Charlies voice ).

A guy bumps into me, I look up at him. Being at his waist. Imps are quite small and this guy was taller then normal demons I've seen around 6 feet. He is quite slim, with beige colored skin, and sharp yellow teeth. He sports a short red angled bob cut with black tipping on the bottom and two large black-tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, resembling deer ears,an undercut and two small black antlers.

He smirk at me, chuckling as I growl "hey punk, watch the fuck out!"

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He smirk at me, chuckling as I growl "hey punk, watch the fuck out!"

He looks down to me, getting to my height "oh look, a small imp. My dear your far away from imp city" running over Loona picks me u

"I'm sorry sir, she isn't from here" she says, chuckling a bit. I glared at him as Loona walks away from him with me in his arms "WHO WAS THAT?" I tell, making sure he heard me.

I look over seeing him make a face as I ask, I smirk and Loona puts me down on the floor. Loona is around 5 feet, My own horns reach her shoulders but she can pick me up pretty easy.

( basically your 3'5 -3'9 remember imps are small but Alastor is taller then you.)

I sigh and Loona sighs, putting her hand on her hip "That's Alastor, Alastor is the infamous entity known as "The Radio Demon"" she quoted with her fingers in the air "and is one of the many powerful Overlords of Hell."

I chuckle, shaking my head as I cross my arms "I don't care, if I die. Where am I gonna go? Super hell?"

The television at the bar started to go shiny. I look over seeing a Princess Charlotte ( Charlie ) on tv, everyone seem to look at the tv as well. I turn and see Alastor disappear, I smirk as I look up at the television

I sigh "poor girl" I walk away out of the bar and lean against the wall. Then I stop "wait, did I see Loona in that...." I look over and saw Loona walk out of the building with the Princess walking away to a limo with... I'm guessing her lover?. I hear the bar doors open and I look over.

Blitz came out, he falls and I kick him "drunk asshole, I'll see you at work Monday" I help him up and bring him to the Van. Loona way goodbye, I stood their watching her drive away.

"You shouldn't be alone" I turn around to a moth demon. I gag, then started to walk away "sorry moth dude. I don't play around with that kind of shit"

He smirk and grab me, pinning me to the wall. "Listen!! I need more people out of the streets and your curvy body can do-" "hey!! That's actually my sisters... boyfriends.... Sister? She was waiting for me Val" a unfamiliar voice was heard behind him and this Val guy let me go.. he fix himself up "oh Angel dust... is my money ready?" He ask.

Like nothing happen. It really pissed me off but 'Angel dust' put his finger up, shaking it towards me as he got between me and this 'Val guy'

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