"(Y/n), it's not that we don't love her it's not she's a disappointment to the family." Mrs. Blight said, her husband finally looked at me and took a deep breath.

"I love Amity with all my heart, I miss my daughter dearly but my wife won't let her come home. I want to see her." He said and Mrs. Blight's jaw dropped.

"You want to see that disgusting thing?" She said. I was about to snap.

"That is our daughter your talking about! You don't care that Emria is bi but you can that Amity is lesbian? What does it matter? She's still our daughter and we should accept her for who she is. And who she loves. Our daughter made a good choice in who she loves." He pointed at me.

"She came here for her. Because she knew Amity needs us. Look I don't care if you don't want to see our daughter, but I'm going to see her." He walked over to me. Then looked at his wife.

"And I want a divorce," my jaw dropped when he said that. But we quickly left the house and flew to mine. We landed on my driveway.

"Wow, you have a very nice house." He said to me.

"Thank you Mr. Blight, it's my father's." We walked into the house and I looked for my dad.

"Oh hey dad I want you to meet someone." I pulled him out of the kitchen.

"Papa this is Mr. Blight, Amity's dad. Mr. Blight this is my dad." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful house. And a lovely daughter." Mr. Blight said to my dad.

"Thank you. You have a lovely daughter as well. She's been very helpful around the house and with Amil."

"Whos Amil?"

"Amil is my baby brother. In only a day he's been a handful." I explained. "Actually Amity should be in our room with him right now, I'll go get them." I walked upstairs and up to my room, I walked in and saw Amity holding him on her chest while laying down. She was rubbing his back, I smiled looking at this.

"Amity I have a surprise for you." I said getting her attention. She sat up with Amil in her arms. I took him from her and we walked down stairs. Amity was looking down at the ground till she heard her dad voice.

"Hey Amity." He said making her look up.

"Dad?" She asked not believing that he was here. He open his arms put to her and she ran to him.

"Dad." She started crying. "I've miss you so much."

"I know. And I'm so sorry. I should've treated you better instead of being scared of your mother. Amity I love you and I always will." I smiled seeing Amity happy. "I accept you and your girlfriend. I'm happy that your with someone who cares about you so much, that she was willing to go somewhere she knew she wouldn't be welcomed at. Just for you." Amity looked over at me.

"You brought him here for me?"

"Of course I did. I love you and I hated seeing you so sad." She hugged me then kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, and thank you for bring me my dad." I nodded.

"Of course. Now go spend time with him." She nodded and they walked into the living room.

"Your a good girlfriend to her." My dad said to me, I nodded. I walked in there and sat next to Marinette who was watching TV.

"Oh that a where he went." She giggled.

"Yeah Amity wanted to cuddle with him when we got home for school. How was he today?"

"He wouldn't stop crying till I played a voice message you sent me. He really likes you a lot." I giggled and nodded.

"All of you did. You'd cry whenever I wasn't around, Amy would scream and cry whenever mom was holding her and wouldn't stop till I held her. Hop and jack were just like you, they'd cry if I wasn't around."

"Yeah but Amil is really attached to you. Like anything that even smells like you makes him happy. Plus looked at how he's holding onto you." I looked and saw that he had little fist fulls on my shirt in his hands while he was sleeping.


I looked over at Amity and her dad. They were talking and laughing which really made me happy. I tuned in on their conversation. "Amity you can come home or stay here, it's your choice." He said to Amity.

"As much as I miss being home, I wasn't happy their, I just miss you guys, not mom but you and my older siblings. As long as I can come and see you guys, I'm happy with that, but I'm staying here where im happiest. I've learned so much here, who I am, what I like. How I want to be treated. And what makes me happy. So I'll stay here, but I'll come and visit. This is my home now."  I hear Amity said and I get very happy.

She is happy here. Thank goodness.

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