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a/n: sorry for such a late chapter!

i've had a lot going on, including the start of a new school year. 

i'm also writing other fics right now to help with my publishing schedule later on.

hope you enjoy!

bruh x


Chapter 2

January 2008

As she followed silently behind the two men, she got to wondering what Theo had said. Variety Dinner? The hell is that?

Approaching two large oak doors, Hermione knew she'd find her answer behind them. Theo opened the doors, already greeting whoever was on the other side. "Evening, everyone!" He said smiling, moving to the right.

Hermione's eyes went wide at the sight, freezing mid-step. The doors had revealed a dark wooded, expensively detailed table sitting 13 people with two empty seats available. One at the head of the table, the other at its side. Draco strolled in and took the seat at the end, no doubt where he sat every time there was a meal in here.

She was still stuck at the entry to the dining room, mouth slightly agape, taking in who was all at the table. The table sat 12 girls, the only male containing the smirk of Blaise Zabini.

She recognized plenty of the girls, yet the one who caught her eye most was Pansy Parkinson. In Hermione's opinion, Pansy had always been a beautiful girl in her own unique way whether Hermione liked it or not. She had never truly interacted with Pansy during their years at Hogwarts, but she remembered Pansy not being the kindest individual.

Harry and Ron despised her, always making off-hand comments about how Pansy stumbled around after Malfoy like a lost puppy, even calling her Pansy Pugface. Hermione would laugh, knowing Pansy was most likely saying similar things about them only hers were probably worse.

But now, seeing her so many years later after the war, Pansy had indeed grown up. She still carried that unique beauty, but in no way could anyone call her Pansy Pugface anymore. She was wearing a black silk robe, not the attire Hermione thought would be acceptable for dinner.

"Miss Granger," Malfoy said from his seat, bringing her attention back to the group. "Meet the Variety"

Hermione cautiously stepped into the room, looking around at the girls who seemed to be just as shocked as she was. "Hello," she greeted, with a small smile.

Theo and Blaise sat at the head with Malfoy and with a wave of Theo's hand, another chair was conjured at the other end of the table, the direct opposite end of Malfoy's seat. She walked over and sat down in her seat between a girl she recognized from Hogwarts and another girl she slightly remembered. She cursed herself for not being able to put a name to their faces.

Pansy was the first to break the silence that had settled over the group. Turning to Malfoy, she brought her wine glass to her lips as she asked, "Ready to tell us why the hell Miss Golden Girl is here?"

Malfoy seemed relaxed as if it wasn't a big deal that Hermione was sitting with a bunch of Slytherins. He sat forward, resting his suit-clad arms on the table, making it clear he was about to say something worth listening to. " Miss Granger is going to stay with us for a little while"

Pansy quickly finished her long sip, and didn't care to let him finish "She's working here now I take it?"

He laughed. Throwing his head back. Hermione couldn't help but feel annoyed at the implication of him laughing at her working here. She doesn't even know what here is. "Of course she's not working here, I owe her big time and she needed a place to stay"

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