
"The first team that makes it back the following morning wins invincibility. Good luck!" Chris winked and walked out of camp.

Gwen went over to the nearest picnic table, unfolding the map to lay it out flat. The Gophers gathered round to look. "There's three supply groupings," Gwen said, pointing to each on the map as she named them off, "Camp provisions," on the eastern beach eleven kilometers away, "a 10-person tent," in the caves fourteen kilometers away, "and sleeping bags," furthest away in the hills eighteen kilometers away. "Our campsite is here," she put her finger down on the spot marked in the forest which was at the approximate midpoint between all three supply groups.

"I say we split into three groups," Heather said. "One for each supply grouping."

"Great idea, Genghis Kheather," Noah said with dripping sarcasm. "Except we only have one map."

"We also have limited daylight," Heather shot back. "If we stick together we won't have enough time to gather everything and make it to the campsite before the sun goes down."

"And why should we listen to you?" Lashawna's hands went to her hips. "We let you be in charge of the talent contest and look how that turned out."

Heather gave an offended scoff. "If you want to point fingers, I'll remind you who's responsible for today's challenge being so difficult." Her glare shifted to Cody; the boy shrunk out of view. She folded her arms and turned her chin, "I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Do any of you have any better ideas?"

Lashawna was immediately in her face, jabbing her index finger on the asian girl's pink halter top. "We stick together. I ain't gettin' lost in the woods!"

"I think Heather may be right on this one, guys," Trent said, rubbing the back of his neck as he continued to study the distances on the map. "It's a long round trip. If we split up, we'll get to the campsite sooner, get more rest for the return trip in the morning, and be more likely to beat the Killer Bass back."

"Thank you, Trent," Heather said curtly.


Gwen's eyes rolled. "Wow. Just wow, Trent. Agreeing with Heather? I thought better of you." She folded her arms huffily.


"Are we done arguing yet?" Izzy asked, flipping a cartwheel for no reason, "Just twelve hours 'til the bugbears come out and devour us all!" She giggled maniacally.

"I think you're confused," Beth said, pushing up her glasses, "Bugbears are fictional creatures, like dragons or unicorns."

"Oh, I've seen one," Izzy nodded rapidly. "It was big, and blue, and—"

"Ignoring that..." Heather diverted, "we're going to need three teams of three."

"Ooh, ooh!" Owen got on his tip-toes to wave his hand above his head. "I volunteer to go get the camp provisions! I don't need a map; I'll be able to find them just by sniffing them out!" He took a deep inhalation through his nostrils, then laughed.

"You're not going without me, Big-O!" Izzy glommed onto his arm.

"Great. I'll be the third in your group," Heather decided.

"Now wait a minute!" Lashawna badgered, "First you convince us all to split up and now you volunteer for the shortest trip?!"

"You cannot expect me to walk eighteen kilometers in cork wedges," Heather put her hand up in 'talk to the hand' fashion. "Besides, someone has to make sure Owen doesn't eat all the provisions before getting back."

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