Cody took Link, Harold R.O.B., Duncan Meta Knight, and Izzy Olimar, beginning a survival match. Noah leaned back cooly as he observed the game progress, focused most on watching Cody's gameplay. While Harold made a worthy opponent, Cody still had the upper-hand; meanwhile Duncan struggled to compete with the other two's obvious knowledge of the game and Izzy was jumping off cliffs 'for fun'. In the end, Cody came out victorious.

"Haha!" he laughed, "Who's next? Anyone think they can beat me?"

"I'll give it a try," Trent said.

"Ooh, me!" Beth waved her hand over her head.

"Lemme have a go at it!" Geoff grinned.

Another round began. This time Cody took Samus, while Trent selected Mario, Beth Princess Peach and Geoff the Ice Climbers. It was a haphazard match on one of the bigger maps, but the result was the same, even with all of them ganging up on Cody, none of them could hold their own against the boy.

"Oh man, talk about wrecked!" Geoff laughed at his own failure as he was the last player knocked off the stage.


"Oh man, I am such a boss at this game," Cody bragged in the bathroom. "This is sooo much more fun than Scrabble."


"Next?" the blue-eyed boy grinned confidently, twirling the Wiimote around his finger by the wristband. Owen, DJ and Bridgette played him next. His skill with Yoshi beat out Owen's Kirby, DJ's Pikachu and Bridgette's Zero Suit Samus. He blew on his fingers and buffed his nails out on his shirt.

"Someone's gotta be able to beat this boy," Lashawna commented, picking up one of the controllers. Katie and Sadie both reached for the other two.

"Give me that," Heather snatched the Wiimote from Sadie.

"Rude!" Sadie put her hands on her hips.

"Totally rude," Katie agreed.

"You can lose to Cody in the next match," Heather rolled her eyes. She selected Ganondorf. Lashawna took Bowser and Katie took Jigglypuff. Cody went for Pit. The match began.

"Isn't Jigglypuff just like the cutest character?" Katie said, bouncing the avatar about on the platform.

"Omigosh, she so totally is," Sadie agreed. "Just like you, Katie!" The two squealed and hugged.

"You have to play to win!" Courtney slapped her forehead.

"Speak for yourself, sister," Duncan ribbed. "I notice you haven't tried beating 'undefeated lightweight champion Cody Anderson'," he mimicked a wrestling announcer voice, "'standing 1.6 meters and weighing in at a hundred pounds'."

She scoffed, folding her arms. "I was giving other people the chance to play. It's called being nice. Or maybe you haven't heard of it."

'GAME!' flashed up on the quadrupled-screen in record time. "Who's left?" Cody asked, crossing his legs at the ankles and feigning a yawn.

Courtney snagged up one of the Wii remotes. Katie handed hers off to Sadie and Gwen took the last. Sadie quickly selected Jigglypuff to match her BFFF and Gwen contemplated awhile before settling on Fox McCloud. "Nice pick, Gwen," Cody commented, taking Lucario; Noah felt his eyes roll. Courtney went for Zelda.

"The princess selects the princess, I notice," Duncan didn't stop teasing.

"Oh shut up," Courtney blew a raspberry at him.

The match began. Perhaps predictably, Cody only attacked Sadie and Courtney to begin with. It didn't take them long to lose all their alotted lives, leaving just he and Gwen. It was quite obvious he was playing at a lower level, giving Gwen the chance to get some good hits in on him and up his damage percentage past 100%.

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