Cody let out a huge breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.


"Dude, for a second I thought Noah was going to get voted off the island," Cody said, his blue eyes wide. "That would've really sucked!"


"Lindsay, that means you're out," Chris said, irritated that the girl still sitting on her tree stump hadn't clued in yet.

"Oh nooo, reaaallyyy?!" Lindsay whined.

"Yep, looks like," Heather sniped, putting her hands on her hips. "This is what you get for being such a traitor to your team." The blonde's shoulders fell. "Just you wait and see; the next time the Bass are up for an elimination, they'll vote off Tyler for the same reason."

Lindsay clasped her palms together, bringing them to the side of her face. "Eee, I hope so! Then we can be together again!" she bounced on her heels. Heather scoffed and rolled her eyes.


"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Noah smirked, "Upset your dig against Lindsay didn't have the effect you were hoping for?"


"This is totally unacceptable," Heather fumed. "Lindsay should have been in tears. How dare she be so happy about losing!" She stomped her foot, only to realize she'd brought her nice cork wedge down in some unidentified substance there on the bathroom floor. Her face twisted, "EWW!"


Chef Hatchet arrived with Lindsay's neon-pink rolling baggage, dropping it unceremoniously at the toes of her boots. "Hey thanks, Chef!" she said obliviously, opening up her pocket mirror to check her make-up. Chris rolled his eyes.

"Bye, Lindsay, we'll miss you," Beth waved sadly. Trent and Leshawna waved as well. Noah took note. It gave him a pretty good idea who had cast their votes for him to leave— due, mostly likely, to his unenthusiastic and poor performance on the dodgeball court.

The long-legged girl was just starting toward the dock when her blue eyes widened in realization. "Ooh wait! Beth, I forgot to give you my number...!"

"Get going already!" Chris grit out. "We don't have enough air time for pointless heartfelt goodbyes!" He put both hands on the blonde's back and physically began pushing her down the Dock of Shame.

"Ooh, okay, I guess I'll get it to you later," Lindsay nodded. She waved her hand above her head, "Bye everyone!"

Now that things had been concluded, the campers began to disperse. Noah was on his way for the cabin when Cody bounded up beside him. "Golly am I glad you didn't get voted off tonight," he said.

"Oh?" the dark-haired boy's voice was mocking, "Why's that?"


"I'm not really mad at Cody," Noah explained. "I've known all along he likes Gwen. That's partially why I was surprised he said yes to trying things out." He folded his arms, "Really I'm peeved that I took two dodgeballs to the face and what thanks do I get? A near elimination. All these challenges so far have had no mental requirement. How is a guy like me supposed to get ahead?" he gestured his arms out huffily.


Cody paused and scratched nervously at the back of his head before shoving both hands deep into his pockets. "Well, because otherwise I couldn't invite you to go on a late-night stroll around the island with me."


"A late-night stroll?" Noah's eyebrow lifted half a mile. "That almost sounds romantic. Sans all the killer mosquitos and rampaging bears and other rabies-infested wildlife that will undoubtedly be attempting to eat us alive the moment we leave camp."

I Wanna Be, I Wanna Be, I Wanna Be BoyfriendsWhere stories live. Discover now