Chapter 1: Room 309

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"So, where are you from, Tiffany?" Bora asked. She's sitting beside me by the way.

"I'm from Seoul." I simply replied.

"Woah! Really? What does it look like? I mean, I've seen pictures of it but I haven't had the chance to visit." Yoona looks so excited when she heard where I was from. She's really pretty. She could have boys under her wings without lifting a finger.

"Well, it's your typical city. You know what I mean? Alive, wild, modernize, safe but could be dangerous sometimes." I shrugged.

"There's no perfect city, anyways. There's always a flaw. Someday, when I get to visit Seoul, will you tour me?" Yoona sheepishly smiled at me.

"Only if you tour me here in Jeonju." I compromised.


"Yah! I wanna join too!" Sunny exclaimed.

"Me too!" Bora raised her hand.

"We can do food trip as well!" Sooyoung added.

"Fine. Tour me in Jeonju, I'll tour you in Seoul." They cheered excitedly after hearing that.

Well, people of Jeonju aren't that bad huh?

Soon after, our foods came and to say that it's quiet is understatement. There's deafening silence around the table while we're eating. Everyone is busy with their foods. Not even a single word was said until we finished.

Wow. That was like, the most quiet lunch I've ever had in my entire life. Usually, I'm having lunch with my friends. And they are far from being quiet. While on vacations, I'm eating with my parents. And they have a lot of questions all the time.

"That's very noisy." I joked after we're all done eating. They chuckled on that remark.

"It always happen. We're surprise at first but as time goes by, we just get used to it." Sunny explained.

"Yeah. To the point that sometimes, we kick out the noisiest one." Sooyoung shrugged.

"Oh wow. That's crazy." I chuckled.

"Say, Tiffany. What floor are you staying at?" Bora propped her elbow on her knee as she tilted her head while asking me.


"Really!? Which room? We're staying at floor 17 too!" Yoona said excitedly. They are all now excitedly waiting for my answer. Could it be that they are my roommates? Ah yes, I remember, there are only four tenants each. Oh well, maybe one of them is one of my roommates. That'll be great.

"309." I replied with a smile.

After hearing my answer, their smiles slowly vanished. And the excitement on their faces automatically replace with... I don't know... Fear? Worry? Anger?

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure it's room 309?" Bora asked me and concern is evident on her voice.


"Really? You sure you didn't mix it up? Like, maybe it's 306 or something?"

"No. It's 309. My father have talked to the woman at the lobby and she gave us a key on that room. My luggage is already there too." I look at them, confused.

"That's... strange." Sunny commented.


"No, it's just. That room is occupied by only one tenant for the past 2 years now. We're just wondering why out of all rooms, they put you in there." She explained almost hesitantly.

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