Baron considered her for a minute, then sighed. "Very well. Toto, can you summon your friends?"

"Faster if you get off me."

Baron climbed off. "Good, please make it quick."

Toto nodded. "I will." He looked at Seiji and Shizuku. "Are they coming?"

Baron opened his mouth to say no, but Shizuku spoke first. "Of course we are! Right, Seiji?"

Her boyfriend nodded. "Yes, we intend to finish what we started."

Baron rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "I did not want to involve any of you into this."

"We're involving ourselves." Shizuku declared.

"Just accept their help." Toto said. "I'm not leaving until everyone is happy."

"Leave and I'll be happy." Muta muttered.

Baron groaned. "Miss Shizuku, Mr. Seiji, you haven't been to the Cat Kingdom yet. It's not a very safe place if you don't trust yourself. You can easily forget who you are and what your life was once like and succumb to the paradise of the place. It almost happened to Miss Haru."

Seiji didn't like the sound of that. "Shizuku, maybe you should stay here."

"What?! No way! I'm going!"

"We're all going!" Haru declared. Her eyes turned to the fat cat. "You too, Muta."

Muta just nodded, keeping his eyes closed. "Right me t..." His eyes snapped open as he realized what she had said. "WHAT?! I'm not going anywhere!"

"Oh, yes you are."

"Enough!" Baron cried impatiently. "I don't want to argue. Whoever is coming, come on. Toto... where's Toto?"

"He already left." Shizuku replied.

And 15 minutes later, he was back, bringing all of his friends with him. Shizuku and Seiji were shocked at the sight of all the crows.

"Climb on." said Haru.

The other two gave her confused looks.

"Excuse me?" Seiji said. "Climb on?"

Haru nodded. "Yup." She sat on the crows, who didn't seem bothered by her weight. "Come on. It's safe."

Shizuku gulped. "If you say so."

Carefully, she and Seiji sat on the flock of crows, dragging a complaining Muta with them.

"I said, I don't want to go!"

"Quiet, tubby." Toto snapped. "Everybody ready? Here we go!"

The crows all took off at once, easily carrying the 3 humans and 2 cats with them. Baron, Haru, and Muta were perfectly calm, but Shizuku and Seiji were terrified. Flying in a plane was one thing, but this was something else entirely.

"How are they doing this?" Shizuku cried.

"We are riding on the updraft!" Baron cried. "The crows are merely guiding us as we ride in the wind!"

'Just like in my story.' Shizuku thought.

"Where exactly is the entrance to the Cat Kingdom?" Seiji asked, talking loudly over the flapping of the crows' wings.

"Above the school!" Haru shouted.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, just wait and see!"

Flying high above the clouds, making the houses and buildings almost microscopic, the small portal to the Cat Kingdom could be seen hovering in midair.

"There it is!" Baron cried.

"That's the portal?" Shizuku asked.

"What did you expect?" Haru replied.

"I don't know, something... more!"

The crows circled the portal. Baron hopped off them first, standing on the edge of the stone rim. "Toto, you'll be here when we get back?"

"Sure thing." Toto replied. "I'll just sleep on the rim. You can wake me when you guys get back."

Baron tipped his hat to him. "Thank you, my friend."

With that he jumped into the hole. Muta groaned and moved forward. "I can't believe I'm doing this again."

"Oh, get going!" Haru cried, pushing the large cat in before climbing in herself.

Shizuku and Seiji looked at each other with a look of fear and excitement. "I'll go first to see if it's safe." Said Seiji.

Shizuku grinned mischievously. "Ladies first." She said, before hurrying forward into the portal before Seiji could stop her.

Seiji sat there for a moment before smiling and going in after her.

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