Chapter 12 (Explicit Content)

Start from the beginning

Chris reads the note in full, "Aphrodisiacs," He chuckles, "And instructions for the ritual."

Amaris raises an eyebrow, "Do we really need instructions?"

Chris laughs again, "Well, it is still a ritual. There's some formalities that need to be addressed before we get to the, part."

Amaris blushes, then shrugs, "Well, I'm not gonna turn down chocolate-covered strawberries. Let's see those instructions."

Amaris opens one of the boxes of treats and takes one of the chocolate-covered strawberries. She flips open the book and gives a small hum in delight as she bites into the fruit. Her eyes scan the pages, and she slowly nods her head as she takes in the information. There were details about a ritual bath for Amaris only, stripping each other down, and everything from there was pretty much up to them.

Amaris swallows, "Wow," She states, "This is, um...steamy."

Chris blinks, "Was that a pun?"

Amaris facepalms, "I hate you so much right now."

"You sure you wanna become a demon? It's just gonna be you, me, and my puns for all of eternity."

"I'm starting to second guess this."

The two of them laugh a moment, happy that they were able to still joke and play around even in times like this. Amaris then returns her attention to the ritual instructions; she takes a breath.

"Okay...seems simple enough." She turns to Chris, "Here's my question though."


"The spell that my mother put on us when I was a baby binds you and me together for as long as I live," Amaris says, "But if I become a demon, and I live forever, is this sort of like we're...mating for life?"

Chris blinks, then nervously scratches the back of his head, "Heh, uh, funny you ask that," He starts, "Um...I-If you turn the page, you'll see there's an optional last step to the ritual. It's not mandatory because, well, it's an optional last step, but..."

Amaris furrows her eyebrows, then flips to the next page. She reads its contents, then her eyes widen. She brings her left palm up and stares at her circular scar for a moment, before slowly returning her attention to Chris.


Chris gulps, "Amaris, listen, I -"

"Shut up and kiss me." Amaris throws her arms around Chris and crashes her lips into his, never wanting to let him go. Chris holds her tightly, definitely not expecting this response, but happy with it nonetheless. When they come apart, they rest each other's foreheads together, a million different emotions running through them.

"Well," Chris starts, "Let's cast the circle, then get on with our individual preparations."


Amaris didn't understand how regular humans were able to function. The tub that she and Chris had in their home was big enough to swim in, yet it seemed most tubs in most human homes could hardly fit a child. Amaris really was meant to reside in the demon realm for the rest of her days.

All except for her face, Amaris had completely submerged herself in the warm water. She lay in silence with her eyes closed, able to hear her own heartbeat as her ears were under the water as well. It was funny to think that soon, her heart would no longer be beating. What was stranger was how okay with this Amaris was.

Steam filled the air from the hot water, clearing her sinuses and lungs. Did demons have lungs? Did they breathe? They had a sense of smell - but how did that work? There were so many questions that Amaris had about what her second life as a demon would be like, but she supposed the majority of them would have to wait.

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