Chapter 4: think about it

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry I should have called or knocked, I'm just that used to walking in plus I wasn't expecting you know... this! I'm ummm I'm Juliette, Nick's really recent ex-girlfriend" Juliette said not sure what to do, she knew that it was a possibility that Nick might start seeing someone but it was another thing to see it in front of her

" yeah I figured that, I'm Mia and I should probably go to let you two talk" she said as she and Nick sat up on the couch as they take to collect themselves, Mia was looking around for her stuff so that she could make a quick exit

" no you don't have to, Juliette what are you doing here?" Nick said standing up trying to take control of the situation, he knew things could go down hill from here

" I needed to pick up some of my vet books that I left here when I was packing my things up, I had no idea that you would be doing this, I mean I knew that you moved on eventually but I was thinking maybe in like 4 months not 4 weeks" she said temporarily forgetting that they weren't alone as Mia sat there awkwardly

" ok now I really should go plus I need to get up early for school the next morning, its no big deal" Mia said grabbing her cardigan from the floor before heading to the door where her brown biker jacket and bucket bag were sitting

" oh are you still in school? Nick I had no idea you liked them young" Juliette said slightly bitter as she thought of Nick trading her in for a much younger version

" I'm a teacher actually and before you ask I'm 28" she said slightly snappy as she went towards the door before being stopped by Nick who gently held onto her arm to stop her from leaving

" hey I'll call you tomorrow ok?" he said feeling like he had some serious making up to do, he briefly thought about roping Rosalee or Monroe to get ideas for things to do for her. Mia gave him a small sad smile before leaving

" seriously Nick? she's looks like she should still be in school, what did you do? fall in love with the first girl you seen" Julette said once they were alone as thought began to fill her head

"Juliette you were the one who couldn't be with me anymore, you can't be surprised that this would happen and before you say it Mia isn't a one time thing ok? we're.... well I'm serious about this, about her" he told her realising for the first time that he saw a real future with Mia, one where he didn't have to hide who he really was

" I broke up with you because I couldn't fully remember you and when I did all I remember was feeling like you were keeping something from me!" she said getting angery, to her it was him who was in the wrong for not fighting for them

"and what does that tell you Juliette, that out of three years together filled with memories all you can remember is the most recent bad ones" he said slightly glad that he was getting all of this out now

" it tells me that clear neither one of us should be rushing into new relationships, not when we're clearly still wrapped up in the last" she said as she walked past him to go upstairs where she kept her vet books, leaving Nick alone to think about things

The next day at work Mia tried to put everything that had happened during the previous night put of her head as she tried to focus on her classes as much as she could. She decided to dress more for comfort than for style, although in her eyes she still looked amazing in her own way. She wore a short sleeved normandy blouse, a white crop top underneath, high waisted peg trousers and a pair of brogues. Mia wore her wavy hair in low loose pigtails, simple black eyeliner to give her eyes more definition and a dark pink colour. Before lunch ended Mia grabbed herself a cup of coffee from the staff room then headed into her classroom where she decided to get things ready for next class which was a class of Juniors. She was in the middle of placing worksheets for that weeks assignment when she heard a knock on the door. When she turned to see who it was she was surprised to find Juliette standing trying to look intimidating but what she didn't know was that it was had to intimidate a blutbad

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