You will be okay.

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Fast pacing lives brought anxiety to us everyday
Sometimes we found ourselves lost and constricted
Not knowing what's going to happen for the next decades
To feel not good enough
To feel missing out, left behind, and discarded
These are the worst feelings of all.
However, these are the same feelings that remind you...that you are here and you are alive and you can still try.

Sometimes life can be overwhelming.
You just want to sleep on it.
You just want to ignore it.
The kid version of you would say, " I cannot wait to grow up !"
Funny, if you could just tell yourself back then, what would you say ?

Don't grow up because life beyond the four corners of school is not rose-colored and rainbow unicorns ?
Or would you say, it is not all rainbows, but it is definitely a kaleidoscope, and you will be tested all the time
But that's part of the process.

The thing is, life doesn't come with instruction manual.
If it does, we'd all be pros right now.
It's a trial and error process.
You fall, you rise, you win, you lose, you love, you heal, you learn, and you live.

So, if you are having a bad time right now, just remember you can get through it.

You are strong
You are capable
And you are YOU.

Just know that it will all be okay some day. You will be okay.

Until then, just live.

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