1. The last petal

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Rose POV

I woke up gasping for air and immediately searched for two of them

I sigh in relief when I saw two of them sleeping peacefully

Let me introduce myself I am Rose Forbes I am 15 and live with my parents and my lovely siblings

My little sister Emma Forbes is 11 and is the cutest and innocent looking girl you will ever meet but she is feisty when it comes to some topics

Then my small brother Noah Forbes is just two years old and is the most innocent creature in this whole world

I have to work two shifts every day so they can eat like normal people

You might be wondering where my parents are
they are nothing but drug addicts they abuse me

Yes, you read it right only  me as I made sure to keep my sister and brother out of their dirty hands

I made a deal with them 'they don't lay a finger on my sister and brother and I will give them money for their drugs and beer' that doesn't stop them from having their way with me
anyway back to present

After making sure Emma and Noah are sleeping, I quietly make my way upstairs locking the door to make sure Marie and john don't go there or try to hurt them

I am just a rose with one last petal

I quickly see the time three-fifteen and start my work

After cleaning the entire house, I quickly make breakfast and make my way out of the house by four o clock

Then I reach the mall I work for, after marking myself in the machine I start cleaning, it's my job to clean the mall before it opens, there are four people for that but I do most of the work as I need money to take care of Emma and Noah not to mention give money to Marie and john for their stuff

Taking one final look I exit the mall at six and make my way to my house

As soon as I enter the house, I saw my parents sitting at the table eating the food I made as soon as they saw me, they quickly made their way to me and started their beatings

"Why did you lock the door you piece of shit" john yelled punching me in my stomach

"You want to be quiet as that little trash of yours is still sleeping," Marie said kicking my legs hard

I bit my lip so I won't scream and wake them up

After 30 minutes of punches, whipping, slap, kicking, cutting my skin with a knife, they were finally done and went out to the club or where ever they want

I limp my way to my room and unlocked the door to see Emma crying her eyes out in the corner silently not to wake up Noah

"Hey baby, why are you crying?" I asked lifting her and placing her on my lap sitting on my bed

It hurt, not going to lie, but comforting her is more important than my pain, these two little balls of sunshine are what I am living for after all

"I heard everything sissy I heard you screaming and crying when they are beating you, you take all the beatings so they won't hurt me and Noah, it hurts seeing you like this sissy" she sobbed hugging me tighter than ever

As much as it hurt physically it was so good mentally hugging my sister

I hate myself for not even being to give her a simple hug

I wince as she shifts closer putting pressure on my new cut which john put in my thigh

"Sorry sissy I forgot you were hurt," she said quickly getting off my lap and going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit

After being done with cleaning my wounds I spoke up

"Emma, can you go and get the bag I left downstairs?" I asked she nodded kissing my cheeks and rushing downstairs to get my bag I took this opportunity to wake up, Noah

"Hey bub, wake up" I whispered

"ruru" he shouted happily wrapping his small hands around my neck tightly

Oww bitch that hurt

"Good morning bug," I said and kissed his forehead

"Ou ot move owiee?" he asked
(you got more owiee?)

"It's ok love bug let's go and start today, ok?" I asked kissing his nose making him giggle

"Hey Noah you are up," Emma said You returning with my bag

"Here is your bag, let me change him," Emma said taking Noah from my hands to change his diaper

"We should start potty training him I tell you" Emma stated scrunching her nose 

"Let him be Em he is only two" I replied taking out the cash I had in my bag and walking towards them

After Emma finished changing him, I took him in my arms and put the $20 in her hand

"Rose why?" she asked tears almost coming out of her eyes

"I know you want to participate in the singing competition our school is hosting but are holding back because you don't have a proper outfit"

"But that's nothing compared to the things we need rose I can't waste money on my childish wishes" she argued

"Listen here and listen to good Emma, one you Emma Forbes are one awesome singer and for sure you will win that competition and two, I work hard for your and Noah's happiness so don't you ever think you are wasting money and three, the thing which you call childish wish I want to fulfill all your wishes and I mainly want to enjoy your life any eleven-year-old would do and not think about money problems of our house ok? Enjoy your childhood while it last Em, I don't want you to be like me who did not have a childhood at all, so now go buy an outfit and sign up for that contest I will sign it in the place of guardian" I said hugging her lightly with a few tears

I never had a perfect childhood but I want to give her the perfect childhood I missed

I want to enjoy seeing her childhood

"Thank you m-rose I love you," she said sobbing

"I love you too Em let's get ready for school, ok?" I ask and she nods then we got ready and went to lock the door

I knock on the neighbor's door as she is a kind woman and takes care of Noah till I am back from school

"Hi rose lovely to see you," she said smiling

"Hi Elena," I said

"Come on where is my little boy?" she said and I passed Noah to her

"Sorry to keep disturbing you every day," I said with a sad smile

"I tell you every day and am telling you today too I love spending time with him and if you do not come here any morning I will come to your house and take him," she said

"Thank you," I said

"Now of you go to school don't want you being late bye Rose bye Emma," she said and we left saying bye to Noah

I wear a hood to school it covers my whole face and arms so no one has seen how I look till now except Emma and Noah

Emma is completely different on the other hand; she is a very outgoing and social person and has many friends of her grade

I am in sophomore year and she is in middle school grade 6 

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