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Shizuku and Seiji gave her a weird look, but decided to let it go. Haru sighed in relief. Great, now they must think she was some kind of weirdo. She had to be more careful with what she said.

"Sooooo, can I read your story?" she asked again, trying to pick up where she left off.

Shizuku smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'll e-mail you a copy. And when my books become published, I'll autograph them for you."

Haru beamed. "Cool! Then I can show them to everyone and tell them how I personally knew you... Wait, books? You've written more than one."

Shizuku wobbled her head in a 'sort of' way. "I'm working on others. 'Whisper of the Heart' is the only one that's 100 percent complete, but I'm working on a few others."

"They're really good." Said Seiji, showing he was proud of her.

A loud meow interrupted their conversation as Muta walked by them. He had either gotten bored of listening to them talk, or he was hungry again and on his way to another house.

"See you later, Moon." Said Seiji, as the fat cat walked out the open door.

Haru didn't want to leave yet, but she wanted to talk to Muta about this whole thing with Baron and find out more information about Louise.

"Oh my gosh, look at the time!" Haru cried in false alarm, looking at her watch. "I was supposed to be somewhere! I gotta go." She turned to Shizuku and Seiji. "It was very nice talking to you. Can I come back some time?"

Seiji nodded. "Anytime."

"We'll have to exchange phone numbers." Said Shizuku.

Haru gave them a smile. "Sounds good. See you later."

She ran out the door and went to catch up to Muta. The large cat merely glanced at her, letting her know he was aware of her presence.

"Muta, why didn't you bring me here earlier?" she asked.

Muta shrugged. "I didn't think of it. Why, it's not like it matters."

"Of course it matters!" Haru shouted, causing Muta to jump in surprise. "I just found out that Baron has been separated from his love for who knows how long. Oh, poor Baron."

Baron gave her an amused look. "Oh, so you don't have feelings for him anymore."

Haru turned red. "That was a long time ago. Besides, I was a cat at the time. I'm over him now." She sighed and looked up at the clouds. "I feel so bad for Baron. He always did seem sad about something. I could never figure out what it was though."

Muta rolled his eyes, not interested in this conversation in the least. He just watched Haru looking at the sky, wondering what girls found so intriguing about romance. He knew it was a matter of time before the girl started burying him with questions about Baron; it was better to get it out of the way so he could do more important things later, like eat and sleep. He sat back and waited for her to stop daydreaming.

"Yoo hoo, Miss Haru!"

Both Haru and Muta turned to find a ginger cat waving at them. The two groaned in annoyance as the cat hopped happily over to them. They both knew this cat. He was the messenger cat, Natoru, from the Cat Kingdom, and he was in charge of bringing Haru to there to begin with.

"Oh, it's you again." Said Haru, clearly showing her annoyance. "What is it this time?"

Natoru was oblivious to Haru's lack of wanting him around. He bowed to her and said happily, "I thought I heard your voice. I'm just here to see how you are doing. The Ex-Cat King sent me here to ask you if you've reconsidered marrying him."

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