Birthday Bash

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A/n:  seriously though, I have an obsession with tea and hot chocolate if you couldn't tell from how many times its been mentioned. But yesterday I got the best tea I have ever tasted and daaaammmmnnnn, I think Loki would like it too. Don't mind me sipping over tea and Loki at the same time. Sorry for the lack of updating, my writers block has been terrible. As soon as I got my writing back I stayed up all night writing.
Warning: mention of drugging.
"Guess who's turning 21." You screamed as you ran around the living room. You jumped on Sam's back and squealed louder.
"Your birthdays not for three days." Sam shouted over your screaming and put you down on the sofa.
"I don't care Samantha." You stood up and jumped across the sofa's, making the pillows fall.

You balanced on one foot on the arm of the sofa wearing the green Loki jumper Finn gave you and black pyjama shorts. When Loki walked past, you jumped onto his back, making him nearly spill his tea.
"Someone's awake." He commented and set his drink and book down. He lifted you and carried you on his front. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You rested your head in the crook of his neck. He sat down carefully, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. When you were both comfortable, he picked up his tea and book again, leaving you hugging him like a koala. Every once in a while, you would lift your head up to steal some of his tea then go back to squeezing the life out of him.

You stayed there, clinging to him for a good hour. You knew you weren't going to move for a while but you started getting bored.
"Can you read to me please, cause I'm your favourite?" You asked sleepily, fighting off a yawn.
"Of course."

His honeyed words sounded like silk as you slowly drifted off to sleep. When he noticed your slight snoring, he read to himself, enjoying how safe you both felt around each other. When he reached the end of the chapter, he out his book down. He stood up carefully and wrapped his arms around you so that you were sitting on his forearm and his other hand traced patterns onto your back. Once he got to your room, he set you down gently and pulled the covers over you.

"Good night love." He whispered into your ear and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.

- ( time skip brought to you by tea, thats is, thats the tweet. ) -

"Its my fucking birthday." You skidded into the living room wearing knee high cotton socks, a baggy rugby shirt and blue pyjama shorts. You danced around till you got to the kitchen and hugged the fridge before pulling out bread.
"You get bread." You shouted to Bucky throwing him a slice.
"You get bread, and you get bread, and you get bread." You ran around throwing bread at everyone.

"Its not your birthday. Its New Years Eve." Tony teased you.
"Fun fact Stark, I invented it." You said taking his bread back.
"You invented a worldwide holiday?"
"Yeah, I'm just that swag." You laughed and ran out of the room, bread in hand.

You got to your room and got in the shower. You played your favourite song on repeat, belting out the lyrics while eating bread. Sure it got a bit soggy, but bread is bread, and bread is good. You used the soap you got for Christmas, it had gold glitter in it so it left your skin shimmering. Once you hopped out of the shower you drowned your self in your favourite perfume and got dressed. You wore an emerald spaghetti strapped mini dress with black roses painted on them. You had black fishnet tights and gold heels. ( change this if you want. )

You weren't exactly sure how it looked on your body shape but you sucked up all your confidence and ended up liking it. With the help of Wanda and Natasha you managed to create a black and gold smoky eye paired with a slightly rosy lipgloss. The birthday party started at eight and the New Years party started at half eleven. You checked your phone and saw that you had fifteen minutes till you had to go downstairs.
You opened one of your ciders and sipped at it while you watched Nat and Wanda finish getting changed. You made sure to keep the hangover pills on your bedside table for tomorrow morning.

When everyone was ready, you chugged the rest of your drink and threw it in the bin as you three left. When you got to the party floor, it was almost full with high class business men and their dates. There were the occasional girl-bosses but you almost choked on the masculinity in the air. Arm wrestles, whiskey and cigarettes clouded your senses.

You tried to steer clear of the smokers in one corner of the room so you headed straight to the avengers. You noticed that Bruce and Loki was missing from the group.
"Where's the nerd and the other god?" You asked Bucky.
"Nerd is finishing with something in the lab and the god said he wasn't to keen on attending. You know I watched iRobot. If Will Smith with a metal arm was supposed to make me feel better, it worked but only a bit."
"That was part of the reason yes but I actually intended you to vibe more with Sonny. Make Vision watch it too."
"I'll rewatch it. See if I vibe." He said, questioning his last word.

Waited half an hour to see if Loki would show up but he didn't. You tried to convince yourself that he just didn't like crowds but your doubts got the best of you. You told Wanda you were going to the bathroom but instead you went to find Loki. You went up to his room and knocked continuously until he opened the door.
"I miss you." You said.
"I saw you this morning."
"I have attachment issues for christs sake."

"Why aren't you downstairs?" You asked, poking his stomach.
"I don't party."
"You don't have too. You can either come downstairs and it will just be me you and Wanda if she's not sucking face with the robot or you make me miss my own party because I want to be in your immaculate presence." You pouted, hoping that he would change his mind.
"Fine, but you can't blame me for not socialising with anyone else."
"Deal." You said and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the room.

Once you two got back to the party, you took him straight to the bar, getting you both a beer.
"Why do you have attachment issues?" He asked, getting straight to the point.
"Well I told you what happened with my dad. I guess I can't 100% get over it. But I'm not broken and I don't have a sob story so I can't get on x-factor anytime soon." You said, making Loki smile and laugh slightly. God you loved his laugh, it was perfect.

You weren't even embarrassed by thinking it, you knew it was true. As the night went on you got more drunk and more touchy with Loki but you could tell he was enjoying it. You cursed his Asgardian heritage and him not being able to get as drunk off of normal alcohol.
"Loki, my love. Wanna kiss at New Years?" You asked, your drunken state giving you more confidence.
"Ok crazy." He voice was just above a whisper and he was smirking to himself at your worried face.

After a while people got ready to start counting down but you knew you had way too much to drink. You ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up the contents of your stomach. The burning in your throat was intensified by the alcohol you had downed. Loki noticed you running off and followed, wanting to make sure you were okay.
When he saw you throwing up, he cursed himself for letting you have that much too drink. Good thing your hair was already out of your face. Loki crouched next to you rubbing your back as you emptied your stomach.

Tears made their way down your face, your vision was blurred anyway from the sheer amount of beer and vodka you drank. You had been drunk a dozen of times before but never like this, and the more you vomited the more you were convinced it wasn't just liquor. Loki picked up on it too, thinking over who else was at the bar. Finally you had nothing left so you sat next to the toilet, crying. Your head in your hands and your knees bent up to your chest. Loki got some tissue and wiped your face before throwing it down the toilet and flushing it.

"That wasn't from drinking, I know it." You managed to whisper.
"I know. I'll get Tony to check the camera's and background check every person in the building. Whoever did this better be stab proof." Loki's comment made you laugh slightly, but you quickly stopped as it only made you feel worse. Loki lowered himself next to you, letting you sink into his arms. Every time you closed your eyes, bright flashing colours intruded your thoughts, making you spiral. Your limbs felt heavy and your stomach twisted to the point where you were left in agony.

Loki carried you to your room, setting you down on the bed. He passed you a hangover pill and a bottle of water. It sobered you up, stopped the banging in your head and eased your pain but only slightly. You sat sobbing into your hands while Loki rubbed your back, trying his best to calm you down.
"Would you like me to make it easier for you to sleep?" He asked softly.
"Yeah, yes please." You said, taking deep breaths and trying to calm yourself.
"Its magic, just so you know."
"I don't care, just make it stop."

He tapped his middle finger to your temple, sending you into a blissful sleep.

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