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Stupid, fucking snow. Stupid cancer. Stupid sky, stupid, stupid, stupid. You didnt care if you got fucking mauled in the process. New York to London would be maximum eight hour flight, right? That maths seemed right anyway. But still, stupid fucking everything.

The snow was too thick and the cost of last minute emergency flight, was 80% of your bank account. The best, but more like the most, Stark would do is get presents sent over and back.

It was better than nothing, but it wasn't what you had planned. Everyone has promised to be on their best behaviour as to not set you off.

You enjoyed your team's company, but it didn't even compare to spending time with family. Christmas was tomorrow, and you couldn't stop yourself from blaming the whole thing on yourself.

"Y/n, calm down. Take a deep breath, you don't want me to make you go to sleep do you?" Loki had a hand on each shoulder, keeping you in place.

"Good, just try to focus on me."
"That's not too hard, I enjoy looking at beautiful people."
"Stop with the Augustus Waters quotes, I don't need the heart ache right now."

Loki pulled you into a hug, keeping a tight grip despite you hitting his chest over and over.

"This is the longest I've been away from them, and it kills me knowing I could've prevented it. I shouldn't have left, Finn was starting his A-level course and Mim is halfway through her chemo."

"Hush love. If you stayed you wouldn't be a part of the avengers, you wouldn't have met everyone and you wouldn't have saved me from myself."

You stopped your hitting and dissolved into the hug, not wanting Loki to feel as if you regret meeting him.

"Your thoughts are being loud again. I know you don't regret it." He landed a kiss to the top of your head. You loved the height distance between you for only one reason.

When you hugged you could hear his precious heartbeat and how it slightly sped up when you cuddled closer. Maybe Wanda was right, but you couldn't risk your friendship. It was probably just a crush anyway.

"And look on the bright side, they still get your presents. You can probably call them and open them together, it wont be the same but its better than nothing."
"I guess."

You stepped back and wiped the tears from your face. You took a deep breath and put on your most convincing smile.
"Don't do that."
"Do what?" You frowned again.
"Fake a smile. Smiles should only be genuine." He said tickling your sides making you laugh slightly but grab his hands and hold them in front of you so he couldn't move. A small smile lit up your face.
"There we go."

- ( time skip brought to you by 'it was Agatha all along 💃🕺') -

You woke up at six, on the dot, without an alarm. You had done this 19 times before, without fail. Something about Christmas always put you in routine.

As you always did on Christmas, you had a shower, got changed and put on your ugliest Christmas jumper. You had managed to find a Santa hat so you decided to wear it. You had moved your scarfs into your wardrobe for the time being, hiding away all the presents under the bed.

You hadn't expected anyone to be up yet, so you were caught off guard when there was a knock at your bedroom door. You opened it to be greeted by Loki in Christmas pyjamas, blushing bright red.

You had never seen him in pyjamas before, let alone bobbly rudolf ones.
"Isn't this a sight?" You quirked your eyebrows, giving him a once over. You were amazed at how he could find any that fit him with him being 6'4, slim but muscular and it was a children's pattern.

Bitten by a blade (Loki x reader) Where stories live. Discover now