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Morgan looked at a chest that sat on the floor, one that had been delivered when she was releasing her power. She sat down on her knees in front of it, reaching out and grasping the lock, which came undone upon her touch, allowing her to remove it, setting it on the bed and lifting the lid. The first thing she had seen was a manila folder, causing her to reach out and grasp it, opening it and looking at the contents, a small smile formed on her lips, seeing that it was her birth certificate, one that stated her full name, and everything that wasn't on her other one, even the names of her parents.

Mother - Marina Evantree

Father - Louis Du Locke (Pronounced as Louie)

There was even a picture of them, causing her smile to grow. Morgan had her mother's eyes, and her father's pale skin,

"You look like them" Eric said as he sat at the foot of the bed

". . . I want to change my name" Morgan replied, looking at the name on her birth certificate "in the system, I'm a Stackhouse" turning her head to look at him "but I want to be Du Locke"

"Isabel is already on that" a small smile forming on his lips "she's getting the necessary paperwork for you"

She gave him a small nod, looking back inside the chest to see what else was inside. Eric moved to where he sat directly behind her, watching as she picked up a journal, holding it in her hands for a moment before opening it, and he instantly recognized the handwriting as Godric's. Deciding that she would read it later, she closed the book, setting it to the side and reaching in the chest once more, this time picking up a smaller black box with an image of the sun and moon. Morgan opened the box, looking at the beautiful copper, wire-wrapped necklaces that lay inside, one of them holding a moonstone, the other one holding the sunstone.

She grabbed the picture of her parents, looking closer at the image of her mother, seeing that she was wearing the necklace of the moon

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She grabbed the picture of her parents, looking closer at the image of her mother, seeing that she was wearing the necklace of the moon. Morgan saw another picture out of the corner of her eyes, causing her to set the necklaces down and pick it up. The image was one of an older woman, who looked to be in her forties, wearing the necklace of the sun. She had white hair, just like Morgan, and she could only assume that the woman in the picture was her grandmother, causing a small smile to form on her lips. Setting them down, Morgan grasped the box that held the necklaces, grasping their chains and pulling them out, the sun being slightly shorter than the moon, putting them on around her neck, adjusting her hair and looking back in the chest.

There were some things that were wrapped in tissue paper, most likely to protect them from any possible damage, but only one of them had a note attached to it. She shifted her sitting position, the package in her lap as she removed the note from it,

This belonged to your mother before her passing
She wanted you to wear it
The final line of Evantree
Wear it well, my daughter
I hope to see you some day

With all my love

- your father, Louis

Setting the note down on the floor, Morgan unwrapped the package, revealing a beautiful black shawl, causing her to stand up so she could spread it out,

She put it around her shoulders, looking at the full body mirror that hung from the closet door, seeing how it looked on her, and it actually fit her better than her favorite cardigan, giggling to herself when she spun around, allowing the shawl t...

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She put it around her shoulders, looking at the full body mirror that hung from the closet door, seeing how it looked on her, and it actually fit her better than her favorite cardigan, giggling to herself when she spun around, allowing the shawl to slightly flare out.

"It suits you" Eric said with a small smile as he watched her "you know you'll have to start practicing as soon as we get back, right?"

"Yeah" she replied, looking at him through the reflection "it's gonna be tough. I knew nothing of being a witch. I'm basically practicing without any form of training"

"But it could come naturally to you" shrugging his shoulders slightly "you could be a natural witch"

"You sound so sure" tuning around to look at him

"I was right about you being a hybrid" a smirk forming on his lips "who's to say I'm not right about this?"

A small chuckle emitted from her, watching as he stood to his feet, taking a step toward her and placing his hands on her waist. Her eyes landed on his right shoulder, seeing four spots that weren't there before, and when she thought about it, they were in the same positions as her new fangs. She rose her hand, lightly running her fingers over them,

". . . My mark?" she asked, looking up at him

"You know about mates then?" looking at her

"I know the basics" nodding slightly ". . from what I've read"

"Then you know that you can never leave me" lightly squeezing her waist "Jag tillhör dig. Jag erbjuder dig mitt liv. Jag ger dig mitt skydd, min trohet, mitt hjärta, min själ och min kropp. Jag håller fast vid det som är ditt. Ditt liv, lycka och välfärd kommer att bJag tillhör dig. Jag erbjuder dig mitt liv. Jag ger dig mitt skydd, min trohet, mitt hjärta, min själ och min kropp. Jag håller fast vid det som är ditt. Ditt liv, lycka och välfärd kommer att bli omhuldad och placerad ovanför min egen för alltid. Du är min kompis, bunden till mig i all evighet och alltid i min vård"
I belong to you. I offer my life to you. I give you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul, and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours. Your life, happiness and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my mate, bound to me for all eternity, and always in my care

She listened to his words, cherishing them, knowing with her whole being that he meant every single word.

Even if the words were from a book.

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