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"I can't believe you met your man last night" Raven gushed "and you waited till now to tell me"

"I haven't seen you all day, Rae" Morgan replied, holding her phone to her ear as she placed a book on the shelf "I've been helping Gran set up the church for the Descendants of the Glorious Dead"

"And you're not going to be there?" She asked

"Mrs. James is having me rearrange the genres" placing another book on the shelf "she wants fiction on one side, non fiction on the other and historical fiction in between, children's books in their little section, young adult novels and so on" letting out a small sigh through her nose "I'm gonna be here for a little while, might not even get home till later"

"Well let me know when you're done so I can go get you" letting out small sigh ". . so did he look like the painting?"

"Exactly like the painting" a smile forming on her lips "the muscles on this man, his hair, his eyes. But the way he looked at me . ."

"Yeah?" She pressed

"The way the men look at me in Bon Temps, like I'm their next fuck . ." looking at a book and placing it on the cart "it wasn't like that at all. He checked me out, yeah. I admit I did the same thing. But . . Rae, he looked at me like I was the only thing in the world that mattered to him" letting out a light chuckle "he looked at me like I was his, like I belonged to him, like he would lay down his own life for me"

". . He's important to to you" a smile in her voice "it's like how Sam is important to me"

"He might be – " her head snapping up when the bell on the main entrance jingled ". . hang on a sec, Rae" lowering her phone "I'm sorry, were closed!" setting the book on the cart, walking out from the aisle "you'll have to come back tomorrow morning"

A scent filled her nose, Morgan turning around, seeing Eric standing right behind her, causing her to take a small step back because of the closeness.

"I don't think morning is the best choice" Eric said with a smirk

She looked at him for a moment, clearing her throat and raising her phone back to her ear, Eric raising an eyebrow at the phones case.

"Rae, I'll call you when I'm on my way home" Morgan said, her eyes not leaving Eric

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"Rae, I'll call you when I'm on my way home" Morgan said, her eyes not leaving Eric

"What? Why?" She asked ". . . Is he there? Did he just show up?"

"Yeah" finally looking away "I promise to call when I'm on my way home, 'kay? Love you"

"Love you too" a smirk in her voice ". . . Bitch"

"Jerk" she smirked

Morgan lowered the phone, closing the case and stuffing it in her back pocket and looking up at Eric, who's eyes had never left her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"Just taking a little stroll" Eric replied with a small shrug, causing Morgan to raise an eyebrow ". . . I needed to brush up on the current history."

She crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk forming on her lips,

"Try again" she said

"I wanted to reread The Lord Of The Flies, don't have my own copy" a smirk forming on his own lips, Morgan's head tilting slightly ". . . I'm just your stalker"

"Uh-huh. . ." she hummed "so why are you really here?"

". . Your scent is different" his smirk growing "as in not human. I want to know why"

"Well, I don't know what to tell you" shrugging slightly, walking around him "I meant what I said at the bar" uncrossing her arms from her chest, picking up a book from the cart and placing it on the shelf "I'm a freak, I don't know why I'm different"

She looked at the spine of the book in her hands, looking at he shelf in front of her and moving seven books out of the way, placing the one in her hands in its proper place, pushing the books back and continuing to do her job.

"You knew about the cops" Eric said, picking up a book from the cart, putting it on the shelf as well

"I heard his thoughts" grabbing a book and looking it over, putting it off to the side so she could fix it later "again, I don't know how. But I know I can do a whole bunch of shit"

Morgan opened her bag, pulling out her watercolor book and handing it to him. He looked at it for a moment, gently taking the book from her hand and opening it. Inside were detailed watercolor paintings of people, down to the smallest wrinkle or mole, and the book was nearly full, which meant she needed to switch it out soon.

"When I look at someone, I can see another person. Like they're physically in front of me" she explained "that other person shows up sometime in the future. That picture of Bill. . ." tapping the painting with her fingernail "dated four months before he walked into Merlotte's"

He turned the page, finding a picture of himself sitting on the throne, his fingers together with his eyes straight ahead, the same look he had on his face when he looked at Morgan when she walked into Fangtasia. Looking at the date, he saw that it was painted a few weeks before she ever met him, a small hum emitting from him. Morgan looked at the book in her hands, using her speed and appearing behind Eric, who quickly turned around and looked at her, watching as she put another book on the shelf,

"Speed, strength, healing" she listed "mind reading" walking around him at a normal pace "I'm just a freak. Rae – my best friend – knows about everything, Sookie only knows a few things"

"What's something about you that no one else knows?" Eric asked "not even your best friend" Morgan letting out a small sigh through her nose

". . . I'm not satisfied when I eat" seeing his slightly furrowed eyebrows "I don't have that full feeling. I could eat a full course Thanksgiving meal, and I won't get full, but I also don't gain weight. I've never felt satisfied"

". . I bet I could satisfy you" a smirk forming on his lips "and I don't mean the food"

A chuckle emitted from him when Morgan lightly smacked his arm with a book, pulling her watercolor book out of his hands and closing it, putting it in her bag. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips.

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