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Instead of a book in her hands like usual, Morgan had her watercolor book on the desk, paintbrush in hand as she applied a light coat of the paint she needed, Raven was in one of the aisles, looking at one of the many books the white haired woman was responsible for. Raven was mostly there to keep her company, not really having anything else to do, since it was her night off from Merlotte's. Since the bar had gotten it's first vampire, Raven didn't want to take any chances of Morgan being alone at night, not caring if she could easily take care of herself with her quirks. She had always been protective of Morgan, ever since they met in school, stopping a group of girls from bullying the new kid and inviting the girl with white hair to hang out with her.

Even then, she always had a book in her hands. Morgan was actually smart enough to graduate from high school when she was in the eighth grade, but she chose to finish school like a normal kid and graduated when Raven did. She had gotten the job at the library when she was fifteen, quickly falling into a routine and she soon became one out of two employees, the owner of the library being an older woman who would stop by every once and a while to check on things. But again, it was only once in a while. Raven walked over to the front desk reading the summary of a book in her hands, glancing at the watercolor painting her best friend had been working in all day.

"Who does he belong to?" Raven asked, setting the book down on the desk

". . Me" Morgan replied "I've been seeing him in my head for a while, but I don't know who he is"

"He's hot" looking at the painting

"You have your own" a small smirk forming on her lips

"And Sam is all I need" smiling at the thought of the man "I met him because of you"

"Not because of me" she dismissed "you were already going to meet him, all I did was paint a picture of him, showing you the important person that would appear and stay in your life"

"You also did that to a lot of others" opening the book she chose "and they don't even know about it"

It was true, her watercolor book was filled with people she had never met, dated back months or years before they ever showed up. Morgan had painted a picture of Sam six months before Raven met him, and she had painted a picture of Bill four months before he ever walked into Merlotte's. She never understood that quirk, of how she can paint a picture of someone she had never seen before whenever she looked at someone she'd known for years. Morgan dipped her paintbrush in the small cup of water, tapping it on the color she needed before moving back to her picture. What Raven said had been true, the man she was painting was good looking, with his blonde hair and a look that could intimidate the toughest man. But it was his eyes that drew her in the most, a ghost of a smile forming on her lips as she added a little more detail to the color. Furrowing her eyebrows slightly, Morgan looked up from her painting, looking around the library for a moment before looking at the security cameras in the computer on her right,

"What's up?" Raven asked, noticing her movements

". . . Something's wrong" Morgan replied

The bell on the main entrance jingled, indicating that the door had opened, the girls head snapping in that direction, seeing a familiar man walking inside, a low breath emitting from them,

"Damnit Sam!" Raven said "you scared the shit out of us!"

She walked over toward him, lightly slapping his arm before hugging him, Sam having a guilty look on his face,

"I'm sorry" he said sincerely, hugging her back "I swear I didn't mean to"

"We're just a little on edge" Morgan said as the two pulled back "turns out there are more vampires in Shreveport and the library is pretty close"

"Speaking of . ." He trailed off, looking at her

"I'm not hiring Tara" shaking her head slightly

"Why not?" his shoulders sagging

"Because the last time she was here, she yelled at someone who was checking out a book" closing her watercolor book and putting her things away "then because she was pissed, practically destroyed six others. It took me months to fix them"

Sam let out a small sigh through his nose, knowing how Tara is and knowing how much Morgan cared about books. She had been more heartbroken than angry when the books were destroyed, didn't talk to Tara for a whole month, but forgave her when she apologized. Morgan packed her paint, watercolor book and brushes in her bag, closing it and walking out from behind the front desk, following Sam and Raven outside and letting her lock up,

"Thanks for the ride, Sam" Morgan said as she got in the passenger seat of the truck, Raven in the center seat

"It's not a problem" he replied honestly "gives me a piece of mind knowing you're getting home safe"

"I almost have enough money for a car" assurance in her voice "pretty soon, you won't have to worry"

The two felt better knowing she would soon get a car, riding her bike for most of her life, simply because it allowed her to move her legs at a normal human speed. She had practice with it, and resulted in her feeling and looking normal for once. Morgan would occasionally pride herself in looking normal, but isn't always able to with her white hair and pale skin. The woman looked out the window as Sam drove down the road, more than happy to take her home, Raven leaning back in her seat with a content sigh, also thankful to know that her best friend would get home safely.

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