Haru sighed. "How original." she muttered sarcastically. Couldn't he at least think of a better excuse than that?Seriously, that excuse was as old as time itself.

Muta growled in irritation and hopped down from the tree. He started walking away without even saying goodbye.

"Hey, where are you going?" Haru called after him.

"To get some food. I'm hungry."

'Of course he is. And he says he isn't fat.' Thought Haru. She got up and followed him. She had nothing planned today, so she could hang out with her furry friend until she got tired of his grumpy attitude.

"So, how are things at the Bureau?" she asked. "Any more people in trouble."

Muta yawned. "Nah, just plenty of time to relax." He said in a bored voice. "It's kind of nice not having anyone one around to bug you. Except for bird-brain.

"Muta, didn't you learn anything from that scratch on your nose?"

"Hmph, he got lucky. The next time I see old drumsticks, I'm gonna turn him into a turkey dinner."

"Whatever you say... fatso."

Muta tripped over his own feet. "What? What did you just say?"

Haru had to hide her smile. "Um, I said let's go." After a moment she realized that she had no idea where they were going. "Hey Muta, where are we going anyway?"

"I am going to my feeding grounds." Muta replied, making sure to put plenty of emphasis on the word 'I'.

"Feeding grounds?" Haru repeated. "You mean like place that you catch mice."

"Course not. There's this neighborhood I go to where the residents feed me."

'A whole neighborhood feeds him? No wonder he's so fat.' Haru thought. "So basically, you just show up, eat, and then leave."

Muta shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. They get a cat for a few hours, and I get some grub. AND I'll have you know that no one there says I'm fat. Although, there is this one kid that calls me Ball."

Haru laughed. "Ball, huh. That's funny. It suits you too."

Muta glared at her. "You know, I was going to show you a surprise, but since you're being so rude to me, you can forget it."

This got Haru curious. "Really, what kind of surprise?"

Muta turned away from her, lifting his head up. "I'm not telling."

Haru pouted. "Oh, come on. Please."


"I'm gonna tell Baron you were mean to me."

"Ha! Go ahead. What's he gonna do?"

Haru crossed her arms. "It's not what he will do, but what he won't do. You wouldn't want him to not serve dessert the next time you visit."

Muta grumbled. "Alright, fine. But no more fat jokes."

"They're not jokes. They're facts."

"I'm not kidding."

"Neither am I."

Not wanting to listen to her anymore, Muta jumped up onto the stonewall and began walking along the top, several feet above Haru's head. Haru decided that she tormented the cat enough and began walking silently. She began to notice that she had never been down this way before.

"Hey Muta, where are we?"

"One of my feeding grounds." The cat replied. "Ah, and here's the pre-dinner entertainment."

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