Agatha Smith

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She was here. In front of me, just standing still - impossibly still. She was wearing a green, summer blouse and a skirt as black as coal. Her eyes were small and grey, the were so close together she looked like a pig. Her hair was a strawberry blonde and her locks of hair wisped around her forehead frustratingly. She was slim and seemed very young - way younger than my father at least. Her lips were bright red and her skin was ever so pale. She must have been wearing lots of makeup then. Weirdly, she reminded me of Snowhite in those fairy tale bedtime stories I used to read.

"Well hello Raymond, "Agatha called, "and hello there lovely girl. I'm Agatha Smith but you can call me ma'am. Is your name Amelia, is it not."

I just stared for a couple of seconds. I absolutely hate it when people, other than my father of course, calls my lovely. It gives me a horrible feeling in my stomach like something is not right.

"Oh..yes, yes my name is Amelia. Pleaser to meet meet you Ag.." I was interrupted.

" You may call me ma'am, thank you." Agatha added nastily as she patted her makeup on her cheeks.

I had so many questions that swirled round my perplexed mind. Who is this 'Agatha'? And why do I recognize her? What even is the 'you know what'? I just don't get it!

Father welcomed Agatha into the living room and I just followed meekly, scared that Agatha would snap out at me again.

"Please, sit down and rest. You can sit here. It is the most comfortable seat in this house, you know."

That was MY chair. How could father let Agatha in it!

As Agatha reached down to sit on MY chair I yelled," That is MY chair. Your NOT going to sit on it, Agatha."

I yelled so loud I thought the table was going to snap. My father's face contorted from a calm and controlled face to and angry, disturbed face.

"Go to your room at once, I don't want to see you for the rest of the day. Go NOW!" shouted my father angrily. I scrambled up the stairs and hid in my wardrobe hoping no one would come in. But then somebody opened the door to my room and shouted,"...

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