A blade and a bullet

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It's now the next day and Bucky still isn't back

You get woken up by the sound of a knocking on your bedroom door.

"Come in." You groan.

Steve opens the door and walks in. "Morning y/n, can you come with me
downstairs?" He looks very worried.



You sigh and pull yourself out of bed and head downstairs with Steve in front of you.

oh my god

Standing in the little hall where the front door is Bucky. But it doesn't look like Bucky. His clothes are ripped in places, he's got a black eye, there's cuts and bruises all over him and where there's holes in clothes, there's a bleeding cut.

He limps over to you "y/n i'm so sorry.." he's practically shaking.

You walk up to Bucky slowly and stand just in front of him. Now that you're closer, you can see the tear stains on his face and all the scrapes everywhere.

He just looks down at you before pulling you in for a hug. You hear Steve quietly going back up the stairs so you're alone. You start crying into Bucky's shoulder and he holds you tighter.

You stay like that for a good couple of minutes and then Bucky let's go. You look up at him, he's been crying now too.

"I'm i'm really sorry y/n i tried my best-"
He starts getting upset again.

You pull him over to the sofa and you both sit down. "Bucky i- what happened what did you do where did you go why-" Bucky cuts you off.

"Hey hey hey calm down" He puts his hand on yours to stop it from shaking. "You know the other night when i fell asleep in your room and then left in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah" You can barely manage to get your words out.

"Well i didn't go back to my room, i left the house. I realised then that i needed to get Emily out of my life right at that moment so i drove to her house and knocked on her door, she answered and acted like nothing ever happened. We sat down for a while and i started to tell her that we can't be together if she's going to hurt me and my friends. She seemed really calm while i was telling her everything and when i finished she got up and picked up this sort of chest box type thing and she threw it right at my head and the corner cut this bit here." Bucky points to a bleeding cut on his forehead.

"That's horrible"

"I know. She continued yelling and throwing things and then she started full on attacking me, she was hitting and punching me and then she CUT MY HAIR!" He turns his head to the side to show you a massive chunk out of his hair. He's always been very proud of his hair, it sits just above his shoulders and he can tie it up. "Now i have to get my hair cut really short. Anyway, all of that happened at it was worse than it sounds. When she left for the kitchen and i heard her pick up a knife i ran out of the door all the way back here, my car is still on her road."

You sit in shock for a few seconds. "I'm so sorry Bucky this shouldn't have happened." You lean in and give him another hug. Steve comes downstairs at that moment, for once it's just you three in the house like old times.

"Is there anything i can do?" Steve knows what happened, Bucky told him before Steve went and woke you up.

"That's okay Steve, we'll be fine." Bucky turns around to look at him and smiles. Steve nods and goes towards the front door. "I'm gonna go to the shop, see you in a bit."

"Bye Steve." You wave goodbye. "Anyway, that must have all gone on for ages if you've only just got back, you've been gone for over a day."

"Yeah, it did. It took about an hour to run over here and Emily yelled for a long time and hurt me for even longer."

You say nothing and get up and go into the kitchen.

"Where you going?" Bucky seems scared now that you're not next to him.

"I'll be right back." You have a 'first aid' cupboard with loads of stuff in it and so you grab some wipes, plasters, bandages, etc. Bucky is in pretty bad shape. You return to the sofa where Bucky is and his eyes widen when he sees all the stuff you brought out.

"y/n you really don't have to, i'm fine."

"No shush." You get out one of the wipes and start cleaning off the blood off Bucky's face.

Emily must've thrown some pretty sharp and heavy things because there's a lot of deep cuts and a lot of bruises forming. You both sit there in silence, you don't get many moments like this together anymore so it's nice. You then noticed even more injuries on his neck area so you clean those too.

Just at that moment the front door bursts open and you both spin around, startled. Fucking Emily comes round from the corner. She immediately sees you with your hand on Bucky's neck. Steve why did you have to leave the bloody front door unlocked

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Emily basically screams at the top of her lungs.

Bucky practically jumps up and goes over to her. "What the fuck are you doing here." His voice turned dark.

You look down and notice something in each of Emily's hands. Oh my god

"BUCKY SHE HAS A GUN AND A KNIFE, RUN!" You lean over the back of the sofa to look at them and Bucky jumps at your words. He looks towards the door but Emily moves to stand in front of it. Where did this bitch get a gun from.

You jump off the sofa and run over to them. "Don't you DARE touch him!"

"Oh i won't touch him. But my knife will." Emily doesn't give you a chance to react before she pounces at Bucky and plunges the knife right into his abdomen. You scream. Bucky looks down at the knife and then looks at you, his eyes are full of so many things you can't decode it. He falls to the ground. You immediately go over to him and drop to your knees. "Hey hey hey stay with me keep your eyes open." It's not working, he's barely there.

"Aww, look at you. You care about him so much don't you? Well don't think you're getting off this easily." Emily laughs evily.

You spin around to face her and she's pointing the gun at you. "Fuck you."

"Goodbye princess." BANG.

She shoots your left shoulder and runs out the house, leaving you both alone to die.

Pain fills your body and you cry out again, even louder this time. Your blood quickly trickles down your arm and you fall to the floor. Bucky is half unconscious but still awake enough to see you get shot.

He very slowly reaches out for your hand and squeezes it tightly. "I'm sorry..." Then he closes his eyes, completely unconscious now.

You squeeze his hand back.

Then everything goes black.



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