Why Emily?

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It's been about 20 minutes since Bucky left for the shower and Steve went on a jog. But you are still sat at the same kitchen table, sat on the same chair, and still thinking about last night. Worst date ever.

Finally, you get up and go upstairs to get ready. You brush your teeth and then go put on a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a white button up top tucked in. Maybe today will be better. You leave your room and as your walking down the corridor briefly, Bucky's bedroom door slowly opens. Your eyes light up... but when you see who's behind the door you are shocked. It's not Bucky.

A tall, skinny woman with silky blonde hair and a perfectly symmetrical face steps out of Bucky's room. She's wearing nothing but underwear and Bucky's favourite red jumper, you immediately recognise it as you actually bought it for him last Christmas. It's perfectly resting on her shoulders but at the same time, oversized and too long for her arms. Seeing it on her makes something deep in your chest ache.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry! If I knew you were here I would've put more clothes on." The woman says as she pulls the jumper down a bit. "My names Emily, I was James' date last night." Emily reaches out and shakes your hand.

Did she just call him James? She doesn't know him at all.

You hesitate for a second before saying something. "Oh please don't worry about it, this isn't the first time this has happened. I'm y/n, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you y/n! I was just looking for a shower as Bucky is still in our bathroom." She giggles nervously.

The way she said "our bathroom" makes you shiver

"You can you use mine, it's the last door at the end of the corridor on the left."

"Thank you so much! See you around, y/n."

Emily gives you a big smile and struts down the corridor and into the bathroom. You've never felt so uncomfortable, She was so sickeningly sweet and conveniently beautiful. Let's hope she doesn't stick around for long, Bucky never really stays with one girl for more than a couple days.

- - -
After you finish up doing your hair and all that, you go downstairs and grab your coat and bag to head to work. Just as you're about to go out the door you bump into Bucky.

"Hey doll. Leaving so soon?" He asks, sticking his bottom lip out and tilting his head to the side. He walks around you and stands in front of the door, serious face on, blocking your way out with only inches between you.

His hair is tied back in a little bun and he's wearing nothing but his briefs. Your eyes wonder up and down his toned body as you fight the urge to just reach out and run your fingers lightly down his abdomen, feeling his soft, hot skin under your hands and tracing circles around his chest and abs. You quickly snap yourself out of your fantasy and realise you're staring. You look back up at his face and into his deep eyes.

"Well yes, I have a job unlike SOMEONE." You say, trying to get around him.

Bucky moves as you move, not letting you past "Hey hey hey" He put his hands up in defence. "I actually just got a job yesterday, I just so happen to have not mentioned it yet." Bucky chuckles "So shush!" He put his index finger against your lips to stop your criticising. After a couple seconds he moves away.

"Wait, did you get that fireman job? That's amazing!" You say, beaming at him.

"Yeah I did and I start on Monday so no more bullying young lady"

You can't help but think about him in a fireman uniform looking all fancy. But also it's a dangerous career and that worries you.

"Make sure the flames don't melt off that metal arm of yours." You joke, giggling slightly "If that's even how it works"

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