My mind wandered as I thought of different male names that I could name my dragon but with each name I could feel my hope draining from me because it just didn’t feel right. With a groan of frustration all I wanted was to rip the straps around my legs off and storm away but being a few thousand feet up in the air I couldn’t do it. so instead of storming away I used my frustration to go through every male name I could think of before it suddenly drawn to me. “Onyx?” I asked in a slightly trembling voice as I waited for my dragon’s reply. “Yes, Onyx is my name.” a squeal of delight left me and before I knew it I had my arms tightly wrapped around Onyx’s body and my face was pressed against the top of his head with a beaming smile decorating my face.

“Did you find a name for your dragon?” Eragon asked and with a joyful laugh I turned my head to lock eyes with Eragon and grinned up at him. I nodded at Eragon and let out a laugh as he grinned at me before raising one of his eyebrows at me. “His name is Onyx.” I told him before turning my head back to look into Onyx gold I looked into his eyes I could feel the grin on my face slip away and morph into a loving smile as I was filled with love and happiness.

“How far is it till we reach Ellesméra?” I asked as we flew on the outside of the forest, the thick trees growing and some branches seemed like the reached out towards the sky. My brown eyes were wide and I turned my head around trying to take in as much as possible. “Soon child.” Saphira’s answered my question and true to her word we slowly but surly started to descend from the sky and towards the ground before Saphira landed with and almost soundless thud. In my arms Onyx let out a low growl and I eased the grip around him. As soon as I had let go of him he spread his wings and flew down to land beside Saphira’s front paw but instead of relaxing for being on the ground again I could feel tension wash through our bond and with quick motions I unclasped my legs from the saddle and jumped down from Saphira. I landed with an almost soundless thump and I quietly moved towards Onyx as he stood with his wings against his body and his black tail flicking from side to side as his gold eyes narrowed as we waited for something to happen. As we stood there, our body tense and our minds connected an eerie silence filled the forest around us and I could faintly feel Eragon dismounting Saphira and draw his sword at the same time as Saphira hunched down and got ready to strike.

I didn’t know how long we stood there and I was just about to relax and straighten up when something purple dashed out of the forest and wrapped around my torso. A scream tore through me and I could hear Onyx growl loudly from somewhere underneath me but I couldn’t concentrate enough to sooth him. I could faintly hear Eragon shout out in anger and Saphira growl but it didn’t help with anything at all. It wasn’t until Onyx let out a blood-curling roar that I snapped out whatever made me so unattached. With a gasp I opened my eyes and looked down to see a purple tail wrapped tightly around my torso, holding me at least twenty feet above the ground.

“Eka aí fricai un Shur'tugal!” (I am a Rider and a friend!) I cried out, the panic of slowly losing air in my lungs. As my words filled the silent air around me the tight grip of the purple tail around me loosened and I was almost immediately placed on the ground seconds before Onyx dashed out and crashed into me, sending us both flying to the ground with him standing above me, protecting me. “Niana! What are you doing?!” Eragon’s voice was loud and filled with suppressed anger as he rushed forward to stand in front of both Onyx and me.

Eragon stood with his arm hanging loosely on his sides, his right hand clenching his blue sword, making him a very scary sight to behold. Saphira moved over to stand beside her rider, her massive frame hovering above us and as the sound of footsteps reached my ears it was as if someone had thrown a stone against his head because he was suddenly tense and ready to pounce. It didn’t take more than a few moments before someone entered the small clearing, closely followed by the purple dragon. As Onyx laid his eyes on the purple dragon he crouched down so that he was almost flush against me and I could feel his chest vibrate against my own chest. “Calm down.” I whispered to Onyx through our shared link as well as a push of safety, hoping it would work. “No, she hurt you.” His masculine voice was filled with such rage that I knew that he would do anything and every thing in his power to keep me safe. “Oh Onyx.” I breathed out before a tear rolled down my cheek and I moved my arms up to wrap them around his body, pulling his smaller frame down so that I could press him against my torso. Onyx let out a huff of air but slowly relaxed against me as I stood up with him still in my arms and my face pressed against the top of his head.

“What were you thinking?” Eragon asked in the ancient language, without knowing I could fully understand what they were saying. The other rider looked away from Eragon and I could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as if fighting off anger. His dragon wasn’t doing such a great job though from the looks of her purple tail flicking back and forth. “We just wanted scare her a little.” He rider said and I could clearly hear the regret in his voice. I could instantly see something of myself in the rider and as if sensing my defeat Onyx moved his head around to look at the rider as he stood in front of Eragon and Saphira.

“Eragon, it’s alright.” I said, the ancient language rolling of my tongue with a secure familiarity. The two riders turned around to look at me and the stranger smiled hesitantly over at me and as I smiled back at him you could feel the tension in his body relax. With a slight shake of my head I moved over to stand beside Eragon and placed a hand on his broad shoulders.

He looked down at me and gave me a slight nod as if accepting my words before his tense appearance turned relaxed and a smile broke out on his features. “Jennifer, this is Damien and his dragon Niana.” I smiled up at Damien and couldn’t help but to appreciate the beauty of his features. Onyx growled slightly and I quickly averted my eyes as a blush spread across my cheeks. “And Damien, let me introduce you to our new rider Jennifer, and her dragon Onyx.” I took a deep breath before pulling back my shoulders and tensed the muscles in my stomach and looked up at Damien once more, my gaze not wavering for a second as it locked with his.

Damien smirked down at me and crossed his muscular arms over his chest as our eyes stayed locked but when I didn’t look away the smirk slipped of his face and his blue eyes narrowed slightly before Eragon cleared his throat, breaking us out of the staring contest.

Why does it feel like this day is just going to get better and better?


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Loads of Love 


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