Chapter 2: Going to visit Madelyn

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The following day, Scooby, the gang, and Team Gigantica were going to see Velma's sister Madelyn and were heading tot the magic school she was attending via The Mystery Machine, Scooby, Diana, Braedey and Shaggy playing go fish in the back.

"Okay, Scooby-Doo, go fish." Shaggy said

Scooby set his hand of cards down and says, "RI can't Raggy."

"Why not?" Shaggy asked

"RI don't have a fishing pole!" Scooby answers, chuckling

Shaggy snickered a little.

"Your next turn is five miles ahead. Watch out for the dips in the road, not including the ones in the back seat with dragon boy and giantess. Haha, that's a joke-POTHOLE!!!" The Mystery Machine's GPS comments as Fred barely kept it even straight, avoiding a bunch of potholes. "Please keep your eyes on the road!"

"I'm not sure about the Mystery Machine's new GPS, Fred." Velma said

"Where'd you get your license, form a hobo??!?!??" The Mystery Machine's GPS taunts

"I know, isn't it awesome?" Fred replied to Velma

Tyler was looking through a booklet on the Whirlen Merlin Academy of Magic.

"This is the magician's school? Looks more like a castle to me." Tyler said

"It is a castle." Velma responds. "O'Flannery Manor originated in Ireland, where it was known for it's mystical happenings. Back in the 19th Century, it's owner at the time, Lord Sheamus O'Flannery, had it brought over to America brick by brick!"

Daphne looked at the booklet.

"It says here that Sheamus O'Flannery practiced dark magic." Daphne comments

Shaggy gulped.

"Pretty creepy, eh, Scoob?" Shaggy said

"Reah! RCreepy!" Scooby responds

"It gets creepier." Velma says. "When he passed on, Sheamus had himself entombed in an island crypt on the nearby lake."

"Man, am I glad we forgot our swimsuits." Shaggy said

"The castle was auctioned recently and cost the magician a pretty penny to buy it." Velma comments

"Turn left at the next pine tree-LEFT!!!" The G.P.S shouts as Fred took a sudden left. "Wake up people!!"

The path was extremely bumpy, going across a series of rocks.

"Are you sure about this????" Fred questions

"Relax, Scarf-Boy, we're taking the scenic route!" The GP.S replied, chuckling

"Everybody calls it a scarf. It's an ascot!" Fred comments

"Hang a right at the weeping willow." The G.P.S instructs

Fred took a sharp right turn at a weeping willow tree.

"Veer left at the rooted dandroot." The G.P.S orders

When reaching the specific point needed, Fred veered tot he right, struggling to keep the Mystery Machine stable.

"Take a U-Turn at the skunk." The G.P.S instructed

When taking a U-Turn at the said skunk, they launched off a ramp and went over some more rocky hills.

"Fred, this CAN NOT be right!" Tyler says

"I better check the w-woah-ord on this ting!" Fred comments, barely keeping the Mystery Machine going straight

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