Chapter 4: Calvin Curdles and the Cone Castle Theory and some Magic classes

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The following day, basically all the students had left. Leaving Whirlen in a sort of down state.

"Poor Whirlen....there go the rest of his students." Daphne comments

Shaggy and Scooby were then seen walking out in vacation clothes, and carrying some luggage.

"Where are you two going???" Velma questions

Shaggy and Scooby looked back.

"Aren't we taking Madelyn home because of the gryphon????" Shaggy responded

"No, Shaggy." Velma responds. "The gryphon's gotten us curious."

Scooby and Shaggy then dropped everything they had. Then, a full on limo pulled up in front of the castle and out of the back seat came Calvin Curdles.

"Oh, looks like school's out." Calvin comments, walking over

Everyone rose an eyebrow, Vernon growling.

"Who's he????" Fred asks

"Calvin Curdles, the Cone King." Crystal answers. "He's been trying to buy O'Flannery Castle since Whirlen beat him in the auction."

Calvin walked over to Alma first.

"Alma, you look lovely as always. Oh, here, have a sardine and caster oil ice cream, it'll enhance your lovely complexion." Calvin said

Alma rolled her eyes.

"Don't try to con me with your cones, Calvin." Alma said, walking off

"Thought i'd bring something for the kiddies." Calvin comments, walking over to the rest of the group. "But, oh, I see there aren't any kiddies left."

Calvin's carrying device turned into a makeshift table and it folded up little holsters, holding each cone and a milkshake popped up in the middle, Shaggy and Scooby's tongues flopping out as Calvin brushed his hands off.

"I told you, Curdles, i'm NOT ready to sell!!" Whirlen comments

"Really? Not even after your little 'pest control' problem?" Calvin responds

"The magic academy has been my dream for years and we're not about to give it up over one little scare!" Whirlen said, looking back at everyone else. "Are we, gang??"

"No way!" Crystal said in agreement with Whirlen

Velma walked over and asks, "Why do you want the castle, Mr. Curdles?"

"Well, my inquisitive little miss, my dream is to retool it into my flagship restaurant." Calvin replied. "Then, i'll open more restaurants! Soon, i'll have kids all over the world eating my vegetable and varying meat flavored ice cream cones."

"But.....wouldn't the gryphon and that winged creature we heard about scare away your customers?" Tyler asks

Calvin then turned back to everyone.

"Well, yes...I uhh-I really don't believe in things....I don't believe in." Calvin said

"Neither do we, Mr. Curdles." Velma says as Vernon snarled and growled. "Which is why we intend to investigate!"

Calvin walked over to Whirlen.

"Gryphon or no gryphon, my offer won't be around forever, Whirlen." Calvin said. "I suggest you reconsider....soon."

Calvin then walked off, going wide eyed when seeing his thing that he had the castle cones in was completely empty. When spotting that Scooby and Shaggy had eaten all of it, he growled to himself before walking over to his limo, which was parked next to where Amos was trimming bushes.

"Call me if you hear anything." Calvin whispered to Amos

Amos nodded as he got back to trimming the bushes as Calvin's limo drove off. Whirlen sighed.

"He's right." Whirlen said, turning back to the others. "I don't know what to do. We've got a school, and no one to teach."

"You still have me!" Madelyn comments

"I'd be delighted to take some of your classes!" Fred comments

Velma thought and said, "That might not be a bad idea."

"What???" Daphne comments

Velma looks at Daphne and said, "We should take some classes to learn more about magic. It could help us with the investigation."

"Velma has a very good point, Daph." Tyler states

"We would be delighted to teach you." Whirlen says. "The full faculty of the Whirlen Merlin Academy of Magic is at your command!"

The first magic trick was a basic vanishing act with a box and a cloth. Crystal climbed right on into the box and Daphne had to make Fred faceplant into the table to keep his awareness up.

Then, Whirlen made a lock appear out of thin air and locks the box before climbing onto the box and holding the cloth into the air. When the cloth drops down, the box had still been locked but Whirlen was nowhere to be seen and on top of the box was instead Crystal. The fact that the trick happened with now sight of how it was done impressed everybody, especially Fred, prompting Daphne to slam his head down onto the table for a bit.

Next trick was a vanishing scarf trick. Whirlen had Fred and Scooby up on the stage before taking off Fred's ascot and stuffing it into his fist and when he opened both hands, the ascot....was gone!

Scooby them started scratching his ear and Whirlen put his fingers in the other one as if he was to grab something and pulled out.....Fred's ascot! Everyone was impressed, well, except for Fred, who snatched his ascot back and put it back on.

Next, Marlon was showing how some of the effects would work. He opens a small canister and grabbed a colorful pellet identical to one Whirlen had when the gang first got to the castle. He then proceeds to chuck the pellet at the ground, causing a huge puff of smoke to appear.

Shaggy and Scooby both ended up grabbing a handful and jumped right up into the air, chucking the pellets out, them each hitting everyone's desk, everybody having to cover themselves for cover from the explosions of the pellets cause even though they weren't that lethal, they could still hurt a little.

The two ended up running with the full canister but tripped, causing all the pellets to spill out onto Miss Rumblebuns. At this sight, the two took off running, pulling their own little vanishing trick with the STILL locked box.

Next was a sort of zombie ball trick, Whirlen showing off the trick and the ball vanishing under the cloak under thin air with no one but the people working the trick knowing where it could've gone.

After he showed it off, Daphne and Tyler were both on the stage, Daphne trying to make the trick work. And work it did, however, Daphne lost control of the ball and her and Tyler both had to work to try to get it to stop acting up. However, Tyler lost his grip and Daphne ended up yoinked back stage. causing a little bit of a mess.

Daphne walks back out, with various things on her such as a hat, a turtle, an extra purple and green scarf, and a bucket on his foot.

Daphne hands the ball back to Whirlen but ended up knocking it onto Whirlen's foot with the umbrella she had, Daphne then ending up slipping right there on stage with the bucket stuck to her foot. When she slipped, through, the bucket comes right off of his foot and landed next to him and Tyler pulls her back up to his feet.

Team Gigantica & Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora