Chapter 2: Settling

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-Medoriya household, 4-years-later-

Little Izuku was sitting in the living room on the couch, watching a video of All Might on TV. He wasn't a huge fan, but he liked the way the hero did things and his public image. It reminded him a lot of his old enemy, Shazam. They both seemed to hold the same aura and goal within everything they did, but All Might was different. It was as if he had an ever-growing power within him that was emitting from him.

Thanks to his infinite knowledge of magic from his previous life, he was born several times more powerful and experienced in both life and magic. He often helped his mother with problems, cooking, and work. He was so smart, he gave the impression of having an intelligence quirk. But, today was the day they would find out, for it was Izuku's 4th birthday. But, for now, it was breakfast time.

Izuku POV -

Inko: Izuku~ Breakfast time~

Izuku: Coming!

I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen before sitting in my seat.

Inko: Itadakimasu~

Izuku: Itadakimasu~

We then dug into the food. (So far, I've become accustomed to this world's customs. From what I can tell, most of their population are born with a superpower known as "Quirks", while the rest weren't and labeled, "Quirkless". To most people, the quirked popularity, the Quirkless were labeled useless and unable. Not only was the general population separated, but as if it wasn't bad enough, even the quirked were separated. Flashy quirks like All Mights and Endeavor's were praised as "Heroic" quirks, regardless of the person. But those with less flashy quirks like mind control or problems with their quirk were labeled as "Villainous" quirks, forming the segregation of Villains and Heroes, where heroes are praised and villains are hated. Honestly, I want nothing more than to shatter this belief) After I finished eating, I got up and went to my room after cutting off the TV.

When I got to my room, I took off my shirt and sat cross-legged on the floor. I closed my eyes in concentration. After all, my magic ability from my previous life was gone, so, I had to refocus and control it. I continued to concentrate. I'm glad I had mastered the art of patience through re-learning to walk and talk, cause this continued for a good 30 minutes before I felt my mana build within my body. Before it could build to a good amount within my body, mom called again.

Inko: Izuku honey, get ready! It's almost time to visit the quirk doctor!

I sighed before calling back.

Izuku: Yes Ma'am!

I stood and redressed in some presentable clothes. Once finished, I went downstairs. Mom smiled down at me before we left the apartment and got into the car.

(Nothing but Izuku's reaction strays from canon)

-Timeskip, 2 days, park-

Mom had just dropped me off at the park. I had asked to since my room didn't have much mana, so, I decided to meditate outside, where the air was practically filled with mana since no one in this world knew anything of magic. However, before I could do so, a spikey ash-blonde boy named Katsuki Bakugo approached me with his winged friend and his long-fingered friend following him.

Bakugo: Hey, Deku, I heard you and your mom went to the quirk doctor the other day. What quirk did you get?

Izuku: My name's not Deku, but, for your information, I'm quirkless.

At this, the three burst into laughter. I wasn't surprised though, since Katsuki always was a bully, regardless of claiming to be my childhood friend.

Katsuki: I always knew you were a DEKU!

Just then, Katsuki tried to push me over, but I simply side-stepped him.

Izuku: I told you... *I clench my fist* that's not my name!

Just then, I uppercut the boy, throwing him back and into the ground. I spit on the boy, who was holding his bruised chin and whimpering.

Izuku: *Tsk* Pathetic

At that, I walked off, leaving the stunned boys and crying Katsuki. I went up to the playground and climbed onto the roof of the playground and sat comfortably before concentrating. Over the next few hours, I gathered mana from the air, grass, water, and such till mom came back to pick me up.


(I know this is a rather small chapter, but I needed to get this out and I still don't have an answer for the ship, so, plz answer the question in the "Choices" chapter)

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