Chapter 1: Reborn

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-DC Universe, Metropolis, Near the Daily planet-building-

2 objects were clashing in the sky, one was speeding in a red blur, while the other was a black blur. They clashed a few more times before stopping a distance away from each other and racing forward before locking hands in a battle of strength. One was dressed in what looked to be a black suit with a yellow lightning imprint on it, going across his torso and a short white shoulder cape on his back, outlined with gold. he also had gold cuffs on his forearms and golden boots.

However, the person who appeared to be the red blur had a different color scheme. His suit was mainly red, while the lightning bolt on his chest was glowing and centered on the chest, outlined with gold. He also had golden cuffs and boots, but his short shoulder cape had a hood surrounded by gold. "You'll never win, Black Adam, Give Up!" Shazam yelled at Adam. "Never!" The now Identified Black Adam roared before pushing down on Shazam.

"You know what, I'm done with this! NO MORE KILLING! NO MORE PLAYING!!" Shazam yelled before throwing the man towards the ground and speeding after him. He trailed behind the falling Black Adam as he fell. When Black Adam cratered into the ground, Shazam slammed into him, pushing them both into the ground. Shazam continued his onslaught of strikes as he pushed them both deep into the ground, leaving no room for Black Adam to fight back. After a bit, he stopped, grabbed Black Adam by his throat, sped out the hole inside the crater, and brought him into the sky.

He threw Black Adam into the sky and waited for him to fall. As Black Adam fell, he blinked in and out of consciousness. 'Wh-wha-?' He tried to think, but a fist was slammed into his face before he could finish his thought. A massive shockwave was unleashed from the punch, shattering the glass of buildings below them, separating the clouded sky, and sending Black Adam flying across the sky.

Then, in a burst of speed, Shazam appeared in front of Black Adam and punched him again, sending another shockwave and Black Adam flying back. Shazam continued his ruthless onslaught for another minute before grabbing Black Adam by his cape and slamming him into the street, creating another crater. Black Adam seemed to be unconscious as he was lying face down in the crater. 'W-where did I go wrong?' He wondered to himself.


Black Adam was chained, bound to the ground as he was whipped and stabbed in his back. He was a slave, forced to work against his will. Till one day, he managed to escape and hide. But, he then he was summoned to a giant cave, standing before 7 people sitting in 7 thrones. They gifted him the powers of Shazam. From there, he lived as Adam, a hero, a protector.

-Flashback End-

'That's right, I'm a hero' Adam thought as he felt Shazam's fist pound into his bloody face. 'So... Why is this happening?' He questioned.


Adam had been protecting Kandack for a few years now, but this had only served to greatly boost his ego and expose the evils of humanity to him. He began to believe himself above humanity for having the powers of the gods, which allowed him to see himself as such. However, he continued his job as a hero.

-Flashback End-

'I. Am. A. Hero!' Adam raged inwardly. He then punched Shazam, knocking him into a building. Adam barely got to his feet when Shazam shot out of the building, slamming into Adam again, raising debris as he began to pound his fist into Adam's face again. "Stop... Stop..." Adam pleaded, but Shazam continued. Adam pushed Shazam off of him. Shazam was about to charge back at him but Adam raised his hand, "WAIT, WAIT!" He pleaded. Shazam froze but kept his guard up, "What?" Shazam asked.

"Why are we fighting?! We're both heroes!" Adam asked. Shazam huffed, "You stopped being a hero when you killed and suppressed the people you once protected!" Shazam snarled. Adam's eyes widened in shock as his mind flashed through his past. He dropped to his knees, looking at his hands, realizing how much blood had been spilled because of him. "I have to make this right" adam looked up at Shazam. He smiled, confusing the red-suited hero. "Shazam..." Adam said, causing Shazam's eyes to widen in realization as he lowered his guard.

The living lightning truck down on Adam, and he turned to dust within moments, blowing in the wind. Shazam couldn't help but feel pity for the man but knew there was nothing he could do. He floated up into the air and flew away.

-Somewhere else-

Adam was surrounded but darkness. 'So... this... is death' He thought to himself. He floated there in peace for a bit longer before he saw the light. 'Is this what they mean by the light?' He asked himself, recalling a man who claimed to have come back from the dead mention something like this. The light began to grow brighter and slowly engulf him. The light was so bright, that he had to shut his eyes. Once he opened them, he had to blink a few times for them to adjust, but once they did, he saw he was in a white room.

'Where am I?' He asked himself. "Ohhh, little Izuku" He heard a woman's voice speak from above him. He looked up, spotting a beautiful green-haired woman looking down at him in her arms. 'wait...' Adam, no, Izuku, processed what had just happened. 'So... the light at the end of the tunnel is... a woman's-' He shuddered and quickly shook the thought out of his mind. 'I guess I was reincarnated... weird. Why was I given a second chance?' He wondered.

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