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Name: Izuku Medoriya

(His hair is black, and since the eyes reflect the soul, Izuku's eyes will be brown)

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(His hair is black, and since the eyes reflect the soul, Izuku's eyes will be brown)

Hero Name: (You will find out!😗)

Alias: Izuku, Medoriya, Deku, N/A

Nationality: Japanese/Egyptian

POB: japan/Egypt


Inko Medoriya (Mother, Alive)

Hisashi Medoriya (Father, deceased)

Alignment: (Used to be) Neutral, (Now)Good

Affiliation: Shazam, UA

Identity: Public/Secret Identity

Martial Status: Single, Taken (Later)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

(Transformed) 7'3"

Base Of Operations: UA, Rock Of Eternity


Class 1-A (Teammates)

UA Staff (Guardians)


Magic Word



Living Lightning

Healing Factor

Nearly invulnerable

Magic Suit (2) - He has both Shazam's and Black Adam's suits

The Wisdom Of Solomon 

The Strength Of Hercules

The Stamina Of Atlas

The Power Of Zeus

The Courage Of Achilles

The Speed Of Mercury

The Stamina Of Shu

 The Swiftness Of Horus

The Strength Of Amon

The Wisdom Of Zehuti

The Power Of Aten

The Courage Of Mehen

(Yes, I gave him both Black Adam's Shazam and Shazam's Shazam. Basically, he's powered by both the greek and Egyptian gods, since he was the Egyptian Shazam in his first life)


Hand-to-hand combat

Martial Arts


(Since he's both Greek and Egyptian, he has a watered-down version of his powers when not transformed)

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