Chapter 9 - Shock

Start from the beginning

“No, you get bees” Robin added. Beastboy snickered as they both earned a glare from their half robotic friend.

“That’s not what I meant” He growled.

“I know but you didn’t deny it.” Robin pressed. Beastboy was almost falling of his chair from laughter. Who knew Robin had a decent sense of humour?

It was now over an hour until 6pm and Raven still didn’t understand why she had to get ready so early. It was only a stupid date.

“Starfire I am not wearing that.” Raven said, irritation clear in her voice.

The alien princess had spent the whole day talking about the date, the clothes, the make-up and it was driving Raven insane.

“Friend Raven?” Starfire asked. Raven raised her eyebrows questioningly. “During my time at the mall of shopping today I found the perfect gift for your tonight.” She said with a nervous smile.

“You didn’t have to, it’s just a date.” Raven said plainly.

“Oh but you must wear it!” She exclaimed.

 Starfire handed Raven a paper bag with something covered in tissue paper. Raven’s brows furrowed as she began to open it carefully. Her cheeks tinted furiously as she eyed the contents. ‘Why on earth would Starfire buy me this?’

“I have seen you often buy undergarments in lace and this would look most wonderful on you” Starfire explained innocently. It was a matching lace bra and panties set in a mixture of black and dark red.

“Star…it’s not like he’s going to see it.” Starfire’s smile began to fade.

“Do you not like it?”

“Oh no It’s…very thoughtful thank you. I didn’t realise you were so observant.” Raven added carefully as she composed herself. Her neutral expression was now once again present on her face. “You do know I’m not going to have sex with the guy, right?”

Starfire blushed with embarrassment but nodded. She turned back to Ravens closet and decided to find an outfit as her friend changed.

Raven studied herself in the mirror. Starfire hadn’t actually done too badly, in fact, she was actually getting better. Raven had to admit at first it looked like a bad idea but now it honestly looked sort of OK. Starfire had chosen black skinny jeans and a dark red off the shoulder top which Raven didn’t know she even owned. It was simple which made Starfire insist she wear make-up as Raven refused to wear actual heals but instead slightly heeled black booties.

“Are you done yet?” Raven groaned, her eyes closed

“Please have the patience” Starfire replied. Suddenly someone knocked on Ravens door.

“Rae, you ok in there? We haven’t seen you like all day.” Beastboy asked through the door. She sighed.

“Gar, umm…you can come in.” Raven said. He wasn’t one to judge…most of the time. Starfire decided to do her eyeliner much to the sorceresses displeasure. She could feel a mixture of emotions spill from him as his eyes laid on her. “Is something wrong?”

“Uh…no…um…” he stuttered. Again Beastboy was speechless. She looked beautiful and…sexy. God, why is she wearing that? And then he realised. ‘The date.’ The word was bitter in his mind as the thought of her close with someone else plagued his emotions. Now he was angry and annoyed. ‘Why did I do this again?’

“I have finished” Starfire announced.

Ravens eyes fluttered opened and instantly met with Beastboy’s. Her heart beat faster and her stomach flipped, it was a strange feeling and she didn’t know if she fully liked it. Beastboy forced his mouth shut and tried to control the sudden burst of lust, he would be practically drooling by now. ‘She’s beautiful’

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