Waking up Differently

Start from the beginning

   " There you are! "

Right, when the pink and blue man went to punch them more, appeared and their guns started to double. They weren't small anymore, either. They had doubled in size.

   " What, there's a tone of those things. And they're all in some kind of uniform! "

They started firing at us and Josuke took all of their hits. He dropped the lighter he held and the light went out darkening the room. The mini soldiers jumped off of the beam and parachutes appeared off their backs.  

   " Looks like we've been ambushed by a bunch of toy troopers. This is the power of Okuyasu's brother's stand. "

One of them fired and the tiny bullets made a line from Josuke's cheek to his ear. JOsuke put his hand over his ear and I could see pain written all over his face.

   " Damn it! Son of a-"

The pink and blue man formed in front of Josuke again, hitting the soldiers. But it didn't do enough damage. He was only able to take out a few of them, and the rest landed on the ground. They had their guns up and started to march towards us. The voice from earlier started to speak, and I listened to what he had to say.

   " Since my idiotic little brother decided to meddle with my trap and save those brats my plan has gone off the rails somewhat. But, in the grand scheme, it's of little consequence. You'll never escape this house. For the domination of my perfectly synchronized stand, Bad Company! "

   " That's a stand!? " I shouted.

   " You can see them? " Josuke yelled back.

   " Ready, aim, fire! "

   " We'll talk about it later, jump! "

Josuke jumped towards the door and he opened it. Koichi and I ran through and they shot the door. But it wasn't long until the door was blown up and pieces were everywhere. I looked around the room to see where we could go, and I spotted the windows.

   " The windows! Josuke use your stand to break the boards on the windows and we can jump through them! "

   " Great thinking! "

Josuke stood up to get to the windows but quickly stopped when a helicopter appeared out of the shadows with guns attached to both sides of the copter along with missiles.

   " That's just great. . .They've even got helicopters? But how's his stand taking the form of U.S. Army apache choppers? "

   " Watch your back! They've got a tank! " Koichi yelled pulling Josuke's collar.

All of the machines in front of us started to fire at us, but Josuke's stand hit the ammo away from us. But I looked down at Koichi asking,

   " So, you can see them too? "

   " Yeah, I don't understand what's going on, but I can see them. "

   " It must have been the arrow. Josuke, what did Angelo say about the arrow that night we were facing him? If we don't die-"

   " Then you have a stand. You both have stands! " Josuke finished for me.

   " Oh? So, the shrimp and the girl have one as well. "

 In front of us stood a man, that I had never seen before, but I had recognized his voice. It was the same voice of the man who shot me. He wore clothes similar to Okuyasu's but on his jacket, it said billion, and his hair was yellow and brought up to a stiff peak. There were thick yellow earrings that were shaped in downward arrows hanging from his ears, and the collar of his jacket had big golden rims that kept his neck hidden. Behind him his hair trailed down in a braid. His hands were in his pockets as he stood in front of the door with his army in front of us.

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