Part 8: Double Headed Eagle

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March 20th, 1917, 7:20 PM
"Lunch and breakfast with Mama, had tea with Shura. Four days have passed since we heard the news. Olga goes with Papa to every meeting. I still go to the infirmary and work."

I closed my diary. So much had happend in the past few days. It was hard to believe that my sister was the leader of our country. The riots in Petersburg were quelled, and now Olga is reading about modern military strategy. She wants to end this terrible war as quickly as possible.

I picked up the needle from the table. Another unfortunate occurrence, my nurse uniform had a small tear in it. I could fix any tear and sew up any old dress. But I could stitch all of our family's problems back together. Our world had shattered into a million pieces. Pieces I was determined to put back together, so we could be behind Olga every step of the way. No matter how much Mama tried to hide her emotions, they came spilling out. She has been so scared of the future. All I can say is our country is in the hands of a capable ruler, one who will excel in her position.

Olga swung the door open, collapsing onto her bed letting out a prolonged sigh.

"I'm so exhausted." She huffed, sprawled out on her blankets.

I set my uniform on the table walking over towards her.

"What did you do today." I asked, awaiting the avalanche of things she had done to reach my ears.

"Today I was meeting with all the generals. Then I sat though an insufferable lesson on etiquette and ethics of a Tsarina. The rest of the day was touring some of the government buildings." She managed to say with difficulty.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this." She added with a groan. Olga put her hands up to her face.

I layed down next to her, pulling one of her hands away from her face.

"With the hand of God and us behind you anything is possible." I said in encouragement as we both looked up at the ceiling in contemplation.

"The Governess has had your back for years. She still has your back now." I said, glancing over at my sister. We were like the double headed eagle. Two strong heads that worked towards a common goal. Bound by a sisterly love for each other.

"I know you do." She said back, crystal blue eyes lit with pure adoration.

"T, remember all the times I told you to stop bossing me around?" She said.

"Yes? Why?" I questioned her with a slight chuckle in my voice.

"Now I need the Governess to boss me around and keep me out of trouble more than ever." She said, setting a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled a little. But internally it was a more serious prospect behind a few words. I knew I had new responsibilities, but to what extent did they go? Would I be advising my sister on making decisions for our country?

I shoved my concerns into the back of my head for now.

"I can't boss the Empress around. Anyhow, you had your times when we three were under your heel." I said in reminisce.

"Fair enough." She agreed, crossing her arms.

"Remember that one time when you told Marie to write a letter to Mama about having your own room?" I grinned, nudging her.

"I was so terrible to her. Poor little Masha actually wrote the letter. When she finally finished it I felt so guilty." She said.

"I remember, I was so very upset that you wanted your own room. But I thought that our room was better, so I let you campaign for a separate room without a complaint from me" I chuckled with her. It was hard to believe that was almost eight years ago.

"If you three can't even count on me at times, how will this country do it?" She switched to a more serious tone.

"I'd trust you with the world, Olishka, with Russia." I overlapped her sentence.

"Every bit of it?" She replied.

"Every bit. Now let's get ready for bed." I said.

So, just like that the eldest daughter of the Tsar became Tsarina. The headstrong filly who desperately wanted freedom had it unleashed upon her with the size and strength of the Volga River. I had no doubt that the stubbornness yet willingness she possessed would stand the test of time.

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