Part 4: Rose With Thorns

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Thank you all for reading my book! The story is set to go now that I am happy with the established introduction chapters. -Cavalry


I exuberantly raced to the door. It was a joyous and bright day. Papa was back from the front, and we were together again! I didn't care if I was tired or not. All I cared about was that the seven of us were all here. The door swung open I caught a glimpse of weariness and frustration in his eyes. But that soon faded as he was surprised to see his family before him. We four yipped with delight. "Papa!" We sounded in unison as we crushed him with hugs. A beaming smile peeked through his grey tinted beard.

"My little girlies." He replied in a warm tone. I breathed in the smell of his familiar tobacco and clothes. It was like the palace was brought back to life again.

"Nicky we missed you so much." Mama parted the four of us as she collapsed into his arms with tears. Alexei grabbed Papa close. Papa scoped him up and patted his chestnut head of hair.

After a few more minutes of embracing we gathered around the table for an
early breakfast.

"Oh you have to tell us everything you did Papa!" I exclaimed.

"Did you get to see all the soldiers?" Alexei asked, clanking his fork around his plate.

"What have the ministers said?" Olga added as Tatiana nodded in agreement.

As a bombardment of questions came at him, Papa tried to answer them.

"Everything went...swell. But not as planned." He replied almost carefully skirting the edges of telling the complete truth. We sisters glanced at each other as Mama gave Papa a disappointed frown at his response.

"W-what do you mean?" Tatiana pressed, dropping her fork down on the table. I looked over at Olga, expecting her to push Tatiana's request further overboard.

"Yes, is every alright?" Olga said in her usual worried tone. She knew alot more about what was going on in Russia than any of us. Most of the time her worries were kept to herself as not to scare us.

"We'll talk later. For now let's focus on happy things. For once we are all together." Mama declared.

But no one said a word. The only thing that slashed through the silence was the occasional clank of our forks.

"I hear the Americans are joining the war effort on our side." Tatiana broke the ice a bit with some conversation.

Olga scoffed, "What business do the Americans have in a European war, and a senseless one at that? Those poor men being sent across the Atlantic to fight." Her jab caused Mama to silence anymore talk from her with a jarring glare.

Papa glanced towards her. "The Germans sunk one of their ships."

"Oh how terrible." I said as a few gasps rippled from the rest of us.

"On a happier note, Igor is coming for tea tomorrow." Papa added.

"Gosha is coming!? Oh boy!" Alexei and Anastasia yipped together.

"That will be fun!" I replied anticipating his hilarious jokes and cordial presence.
Tatiana and Olga smiled, elbowing each other.

Papa quietly rose to his feet, patting down his wrinkled clothing. Alexei quickly sprung from his chair. "Will I be going to the meetings with the ministers today?" He eagerly asked, his pale blue eyes wide with excitement.
"W-well." He started as he and Mama looked towards Olga. I glanced at them both, questions growing.

"Not today little Sunbeam. I have many things to discuss with them that would bore you." He replied, placing a shoulder on him. Alexei collapsed into a slouched and sulky walk towards his seat.

I wondered what was going on. Alexei always went with Papa. Unless he was sick, he was there day in, day out. I tried to be the strong one in the family. It almost made be think that they sometimes forgot that I had feelings and thoughts too. Right now, I was feeling uneasy. Like my world was about to change in more ways than one. An aura of fear had descended upon the house of Romanov.

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