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Hello everyone! Welcome to my book, Flowers Bloom in Spring. I have always been fascinated with Nicholas II's plot to put his eldest daughter on the throne. I have extensively studied their nature and personalities in an attempt to make this as realistic as possible and after studying the Romanovs for quite some time now, specifically OTMA, I wanted not just to make it about Grand Duchess Olga. But make it appear as a joint venture for all the daughters to go through. As they saw themselves as a single unit. 'OTMA'

Main Characters of 'Flowers Bloom in Spring'

Olga Nikolaevna, Olyenka, Olishka
The eldest daughter of Tsar Nicholas, she is independent and frank. But she also feels responsible for keeping her siblings safe and all of Russia protected under her wing.

Tatiana Nikolaevna, the Governess, Tatya
The second daughter of Tsar Nicholas. She is poised and regal, the backbone of OTMA. But she also keeps her younger siblings in check and advises her sister Olga in many things.

Maria Nikolaevna, Marie, Fat Little Bow Wow
The third daughter of Tsar Nicholas. She is stoic but a pure angel. She thinks hardly of herself. But when she wants something, she gets it.

Anastasia Nikolaevna, Shvybsik, Nastya
The fourth daughter of Tsar Nicholas. She is naughty and playful. Her bright spirit routinely makes the family roll with laughter.

Alexei Nikolaevich, Sunbeam, Baby
The ill-supposed heir to the throne. Although he is a sickly hemophiliac, he still lives life to the fullest, often with his sister Anastasia by his side.

Tsar Nicholas II, Nicky, Papa
The Tsar is a cordial man who cares deeply for the country and his family significantly. But it seems that he was not made to be an autocrat.

Tsarina Alix, Sunny, Mama
An ailing woman, she tries to mother her children to the best of her abilities but unfortunately doesn't see eye to eye with her eldest. She often has Tatiana by her side.

Prince Igor Konstantinovich, Gosha, Igoryok
The cheerful prince lives near the palace and often makes routine visits to see Olga and Tatiana. But he also knows how to make Anastasia laugh and loves to play games with little Alexei.

Dmitry Pavlovich, Dima, Mitya
Once a close friend of the family, he was excommunicated from their circle when he took part in the murder of Rasputin. Tatiana thinks that he is a bit misunderstood. At the same time, Olga vacillates between letting him back into their lives or not.

Prince Vladimir Paley, Vova
A distant cousin of the family, he is a born poet and loves when his work is read. He is a sensitive soul with heart for his fellow man, similar to Olga.

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