Chapter 5 first date

Start from the beginning

Back in the cabin. The sun has risen an hour ago. None of you have slept. Not a word has been spoken either. One minute. Two minutes. A minute and a half. Wait! You feel a jolt underneath you. Is that a heartbeat? You lift your head up, then you slowly put your head back down to Jeff's chest, listening intently. yes, you can hear his heartbeat.

"Jeff?" You whisper.
"I'm alive." He says weekly.
"He's alive! He's alive!" EJ shouts, as if this was a scene from Frankenstein.

Everyone laughs, except Jeff, but his smile grows wider.

"I did it. I saved your little brother." He mumbles, as his unblinking eyes become more focused.

"Yes, yes you did. Thank you Jeff. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never wanted you to die though." You say hugging him tightly.

Just as you think he is about to break, he gently pushes you away.

"Of course. I will do anything for the girl I love. And don't worry, nothing will take me away from you again, not even death."

And with those words, you and everyone else feel a surge of energy burst through them. It's as if everything that has happened so far hasn't even happened at all, except for the growing love between you and Jeff.

"I love you, Rose." Jeff says, cupping your face and bringing it towards his lips.

A feeling of warmth comes over you and everything feels right in the world. You and your brother are alive, your friends are safe, and right now, the love of your life is kissing you passionately despite the fact that he is laying on the couch covered in his own blood. This is how things are supposed to be. And you will stop at nothing to make sure they stay this way. Everything is perfect.

"Wait, what's this?" You mumble against Jeff's lips, unaware that your hand had gone into Jeff's hoodie pocket.

"What's what?"
"This piece of paper. Where the hell did you get this from?"

You pull out the page and hold it up so everyone can see. Well, except for EJ, because he has no eyes, but he is able to sense that it is the page regardless of the lack of sight.

"Jeff how did you...?"
"Jeff, you got the page! You got the second page!" Sally interrupts you.

She jumps off of Toby's lap and does a little happy dance. When she's done, she crouches down next to the couch and gives Jeff a big kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you know Jeff. No matter how much trouble he gets into, he always finds a way to pull through. I don't know how you got the page dude, but you are one hell of a hero." Ben cheers, pumping a fist in the air.
"We have two of the pages now, and that's great, but we have to find the other six." EJ says.

"Does anyone know where the other six pages might be?" You ask, handing the second page to EJ.

"They're probably in the woods closer to the mansion. Toby, Ben, and I will go look for the other pages as you, Sally, and Stephen stay behind with Jeff."
"But, I want to look for the pages too." Sally wines.
"Sorry Sally, but it would be a lot easier if the three of them go alone. Slender said that this is our last day to live by the way. So we have to make the most of it." Jeff says, surprising everyone.

"What?" You ask.
"That was the last thing he hissed out before the ghost of my brother saved me. My soul was being sucked out of my dead body at the time, so I kind of forgot to tell you guys before now. Since this is our last day left before he regains strength to destroy us all, you guys better hurry up and get those pages. Stephen, the girls, and I will be fine."
"Well ok then. Come on boys, let's go hunt down those pages." Ben says excitedly, yanking Toby and EJ behind him.

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