I secretly move my chair away from him a little, he's scary, and turn back to Rio. 'Why me?'

'Because you're annoying.' I take a sip from my bottle and place it on the table. 'I've been staying out of your way ever since we got here, don't even-' 'Can I have some of that?' 

I turn to my right and look at Nico with a frown. 'What?' 

'I want some water and since you took the last bottle, can I have some?' He says, his tone free of any joy. 'No.' 

Vincent and Killian try to hide their smiles, but I notice them. 

'Why not?' Nico asks, tilting his head a little. 

I can see a spark of that hatred in his eyes. 

He has that whenever he looks at me. As if he's ready to kill me for simply breathing. 

'Because in the past two days you've taken three girls into your room to do whatever it is you do in there and I don't want to catch something.' 

His eyes widen before his lips curl up into a grin. 'So you noticed.' 

'I must say,' Killian interferes, 'you didn't really keep it quiet.' Good thing my room is on the other side of the house... 

'Good thing I wasn't talking to you.' Nico sneers, probably kicking Killian underneath the table, because Killian winces and rolls his eyes. 

'Did you ask Leon if he had any STDs after you two got back together?' I frown and look at Nico again. 

His blue eyes feel like ice, sending my body cold and my blood still. 

I don't like him. And I doubt that he likes me. 'I take that as a no.' 

'I trust that he's smart enough to take a test.' Nico starts laughing, already readying a comeback, but Rio cuts him off and throws the file back onto the table. 'You are doing groceries, there's money on your card.' 

'I'll come with you, give me five minutes.' Nico chimes as he jumps to his feet. 'No.' 

I am not going with him alone. No fucking way. 

'Why not? Afraid that you'll like it too much?' You wish. 

'I'll come as well since you two seem to want to kill each other.' Killian says, smiling at me as he gets up as well. Thank you! 

'Fine with me.' I get up and head to my room to grab my bag. 

When I get back into the hall, I bump into Marco who looks like shit. 

Nico and him went out last night because we thought we had a lead on that guy, but there was nothing. We got nothing but some drunk boys stumbling back into the house at midnight. 

Nico seemed fine, but Marco. Marco was wasted. Barely able to walk himself. He needed Nico to move, otherwise, he would be on the ground. 

'Where are you going?' He asks, leaning against the wall for support. 

Marco looks like he could throw up any second. 'Grocery shopping, are you okay?'

'Mhm, just a little...' 'Hungover?' He nods and heads towards the bathroom, probably to throw up or something, and I head back to the living room. 

Nico and Killian are already waiting for me and get up when they see me. 

'Took you long enough.' Nico mumbles as he heads to the front door. I look at Killian who's rolling his eyes as he walks after him. 

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