Hiring Spiderman. Part 1

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Yn pov:
As usual, everyone has a birthday every year. It's always a special day. Just one day. But for me it will be two special days. But the most special day is my sons birthday. My son, Jamie is turning 5 in three days. And I'm finding someone to play Spiderman at his party.

Almost 5 years ago, I was in the hospital with my mom. I was 19 years old and well, you could say that this all wasn't planned. But I can't imagine my life without Jamie anymore.

My boyfriend Matt, broke up with me when I found out I was pregnant. He was to obsessed with his soccer career and wanted to become a professional player. I didn't blame him for wanting to follow his dreams. But I was really sad when I realized I had to do everything on my own.

Lucky for me, I was never alone. I had my parents who supported me and my best friends who help me out all the time. They babysit if I have to work or just come over for fun.

And now I need their help again. I called Chloé and Quinn to help me find a Spiderman. Lilah played with Jamie while we searched and called sort of businesses.

"Hello, my name is Yn and I was wondering if I could hire a Spiderman for my sons birthday."
This is my seventh call I made and every time I say the same thing.

"What day is your sons birthday Miss?" The man asked. As usual I just say that it's in three days.
"I'm sorry Miss. We're all booked for that day.." and yes, rejected again. He says goodbye and hung up.

I throw my phone in the corner of the couch and buried my head into my hand palms.
"We're never gonna find someone." I sigh and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Really? Okay. Yeah that would be great. Thank you so much!" I softly hear the voice from Quinn in the living room. I quickly walk back to them with my water in my hand.

"What did they say?" I look at the happy faces around me. Quinn and Chloé are half jumping while Lilah was smiling at me.

"We got a Spiderman for Saturday!!!!!" A wave from relief leaves my body when I heard the words come from Quinn.

"Thank u guys so much!!! You guys are the best!"
I say happily when I hugged them tightly.
"Yeah we know." Chloé says confident. We laughed for a minute and later we went to this little playground with Jamie.

Seeing my best friends with my son is maybe the best thing to make me happy. I'm just happy they never left me and helped me raising Jamie. Jamie also loves them all. He always calls them his aunt and best friend.
Its the evening before Jamie's birthday and it's time to get him to bed. I put him in his Spider-Man pjs before he walks around his room.

"Can we read a book mama?" He asked while he walked to his little bookcase next to his beanbag.
"Yes of course. Pick a book, I'll wait here for u."
Was my reply as I slowly sit down on the big beanbag. Quickly he joins next to me with a little book. I open it and start reading.

His eyes start to close and his head rests slowly to my chest. When I finished reading the book, I put it down and picked him up. Slowly I put him down into his bed and comfort him under his soft sheets.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I said when I gave him a kiss and a soft pet over his head. Slowly I walk out the room, switching of the lights.

When I came back downstairs, my friends were helping decorating the room. Hanging up garlands and balloons. It looks really pretty.
After we finished, we had a quick drink together and then I said goodbye. They were coming tomorrow but they also had boyfriends that they lived with. Quinn was even already married.
I turn off the alarm that woke me up. Picking up my phone, I checked the time. Yup it's 6:30 am.
I throw the sheets of my body before I step out of my bed. After my quick shower, I wrap my body and hair in a towel and start to do my make up.

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