♡A Box Full Of Love♡

Start from the beginning

I smiled softly at him i wanted to savour this moment as this would be my last memories in japan for a while.

I once again got stuck in my thoughts remebering all the shit that had happend in this past week, it had been really hard with finding out how my "friends" felt about me and my boyfriend cheating on me. Oh and i forgot to mention when i had told Allmight about me leaving he proceeded to go on a rant about how i was so ungreatful for all hed done for me, and that i hadnt been trying hard enougth. Which was a bunch of bullshit as i would always put off anything i was doing just to train, but in the end Allmight said i just wasnt good enougth and took One For All back.

I was upset ovbiously but recently i had been seeing signs that i may have been developing a new quirk. My reason for thinking this was because i had always had short nails due to me biting them, but i had found whever i would bite them recently they would completely grow back the next day sometimes even longer. I had found other strange things happen aswell like things randomly flying off my desk aswell, I would talk to my dad about it when id see him though.

Because this was me i had once again fallen victum to my thoughs, when they finally ran dry though i noticed Aizawa sensei had a big box in his hands.

Aizawa: i want you to take this and open it only once your in the air okay?

He handed me the box it was quite heavy but nothing i couldnt mange, i was confused what it was but id listern to Aizawa sensei and only open it when i was in the air.

Izuku: okay thank you Aizawa sensei.

As i said that there was a call for my plane, it was finally time for me to leave i was upset but Aizawa sensei gave me a big hug.

Aizawa: im really going to miss you problem child keep yourself safe alright!

Izuku: i promise dadzawa, i promise ill call you as soon as i get sorted dont forget me please.

I was crying my eyes out at this point i was really going to miss him.

Aizawa: ill wait for your call then kid now you better go or youll miss your flight.

We finally let go of eachother sad smiles plastered on our faces, and i finally set off and boarded my plane. It had seemed like my dad had placed me in first class which was quite surprising as i sat down in a seat right at the back.

There wernt many people in first class only three people including myself so the journey was quite.

The flight attendance were nice and offered me something to eat and drink as i got comfortable, i eventually started watching Russian doll to pass the time and had finished it a half way through the flight.

(please if you haven't watched Russian doll i really recommend it the main character is played by Natasha Lyonne who plays Nicky in orange is the new black. It is so fucking good its got the same idea as happy death day but its so much better and way funnier i really reccommend it)

Once i had finished it i decided to now finally open the box Dadzawa had given me now i was half way through my flight.

When first opening it up a found a small note reading "we hope for your safe travels and that you have a great time in America, please take these gifts to remeber us by. The staff at Ua"

I was pleasently surprised and placed the note to the side as i dug into the box. The first thing i found was quite amusing, attached to it was a small letter.

"dear my favorite little green bean, i am sad to see you go but i cant let you leave without a gift. Please take this packet of skittles that i asked (blackmailed) the company to make for me, yours truely Midnight Sensei"

I laughed looking at the bag of skittles truely midnight had designed her own packaging and gave all the flavours new names, each named after a diffrent teacher.so now i own a one of a kind, the only copy of these special pro hero skittles.

I placed them on the seat next to me reminding myself to eat them later and frame the packet when i got home, there was no way id throw away something so special.

As i looked through the box i found other small trinkets alike from the diffrent teachers at UA, it was an amazing gesture and i had began to tear up from all the lovley gifts.

I was getting towards tha bottom of the box and found a cat plushie i smiled as it seemed someone had remembered my love for cats as i read the note attached to it.

"Dear mr Deku i heard you were leaving so i asked daddy and papa if i could get you a gift. I remebered you liked kitties so i got you one, i hope you like it.
Lots of love from Eri. P.S ill miss you alot dont forget meee! "

I was now full on crying, i loved Eri alot and to recive this felt so personal as i never would of thought she would think to get me something. I placed the plushie on my lap as i reached for the final two things inside the box, what i pulled out made me a complete crying mess.

At the bottom of the box i found a copy of dadzawas capture scarf and a photo ablum labled "Your big book of memeories DONT LOOSE!!"

I opend up the photo album trying to wipe my tears so they didnt get on the pages, as i flicked through each page had a photo of the teachers some with individual messages for each of them. Towards the end of the book was also some photos and messages from kacchan, kirishima and denki.

I began crying again as i reached the end of the book where there was one final message.

"dear little listerner i hope You like this album i put together so you can remeber us all by, always remember to keep you head up and to follow your dreams no matter now cheesy it sounds.
Lots of love from Present Mic"

I smiled softly he had really gone to all the trouble to make this for me and to get all the other teachers to help with it to. After i closed the book i finally took the copy of Dadzawas capture gear in my hands and reading the small tag attached to it.

"To my problem child I hope youll be able to learn how to use this on your own from your teacher Aizawa sensei"

I really did have an amazing lot of people who loved me i placed the capture gear around my neck, it was really comfortable. I placed everything bar from the cat plush and the capture gear back in the box for when i got home and finally fell asleep snuggled into the capture gear.

I was really going to miss everyone..


Idk why i just feel like midnight would definitely go through all the trouble to make and personalise her own bag of skittles as a joke lol if you get what i mean, like one day she found out izuku really liked skittles and decided she needed to personally get him a bag she desugned herself lol

Anyway While writing this chapter i felt like it was shit but idk what do you all think.

♡words:  1864♡


♡Floating To The Surface♡ ||A Badasss Deku Story|| (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now