Perhaps it was the shock of Harry doing something so stupid, but Black didn't raise the wands in time — one of Harry's hands fastened over his wasted wrist, forcing the wand tips away; the knuckles of Harry's other hand collided with the side of Black's head and they fell, backward, into the wall — 

Hermione was screaming; Ron was yelling; there was a blinding flash as the wands in Black'shand sent a jet of sparks into the air that missed Harry's face by inches; Harry felt the shrunken arm under his fingers twisting madly, but he clung on, his other hand punching every part of Black it could find.

The badger had lept off the bed and charged at Harry, grabbing the back of his robes and yanking on them, she knew it was a risk to show her true form, but at this rate, it wont be long before she will have to turn back into her human form to protect Sirius.

Sirius glared at Harry as he began to choke him "No," he hissed, "I've waited too long —" The fingers tightened, Harry choked, his glasses askew. Then he saw Hermione's foot swing out of nowhere and sent the badger flying into the wall.

The badger smashed into the wall and a loud yelp fell from its lips as it felt pain go through her entire body. Black let go of Harry quickly and went to go and check on the badger; Ron had thrown himself on Black's wand hand and Harry heard a faint clatter — 

He fought free of the tangle of bodies and saw his own wand rolling across the floor; he threw himself toward it but "Argh!" the badger had once again joined the fray; both sets of front claws had sunk themselves deep into Harry'sarm; Harry threw her off, but the badger now darted toward Harry's wand —

"NO YOU DON'T!" roared Harry, and he aimed a kick at the badger who was already in a lot of pain but was able to move to the side, growling at her brother; Harry snatched up his wand and turned — "Get out of the way!" he shouted at Ron and Hermione. 

 They didn't need telling twice. Hermione, gasping for breath, her lip bleeding, scrambled aside,snatching up her and Ron's wands. Ron crawled to the four-poster and collapsed onto it, panting,his white face now tinged with green, both hands clutching his broken leg. 

Black was sprawled at the bottom of the wall. His thin chest rose and fell rapidly as he watchedHarry walking slowly nearer, his wand pointing straight at Black's heart. "Going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered. 

This was the time, Kirra turned into her human form and called to her brother, "Harry stop it" the girl called and the three other 13 year olds looked at her in shock

"Kirra!" They all yelped

"w-what are you doing!" Harry beckoned. Alivid bruise was rising around Black's left eye and his nose was bleeding. "He killed my parents," said Harry, his voice shaking slightly, but his wand hand quite steady. Black stared up at him out of those sunken eyes. "I don't deny it," he said very quietly. 

"Put the wand down Harry or I swear to Merlin... you don't know the whole story alright." Kirra tried to reason to her brother and he felt betrayed, his own sister... he had never hated anyone more than he hated her right now

Harry turned to her, pointing his wand at her in anger,  "The whole story?" Harry repeated, a furious pounding in his ears. "He sold them toVoldemort. That's all I need to know. He killed our parents and you are helping him! you're even worse than he is, you're a disgrace, how can you even call yourself a potter?" 

Kirra felt more pain in her heart than she did in her entire body, "You have no right to say tha-" Sirius started, anger in his tone but Kirra cut him off

 "You've got to listen to him Harry," Kirra said, and there was a note of urgency and deep sadness in her voice now."You'll regret it if you don't... You don't understand..." 

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