I was going to give her a piece of mind when the door opened once again and the doctor, who ran away from me earlier peaked his head out and when he saw the nurse and my expression he gasped and ran towards us and pulled the nurse's elbow.

"What are you doing here?! You are needed inside" he whisper yelled at her

"But sir the consent form. I was just trying to make sure this handsome man doens't spend too much money for nothing." She whispered back to him not I clearly heard it.

"What!"is she in her senses?!

"And the doctor gasped again and looked at me
Don't worry sir sh.. She will be fine" he said and pulled the nurse's back into the theatre.

I pounced the wall.
Fucking hell!

Few hours later I'm still sitting and the light above the theatre door is still  blinking red.

A team of doctors just rushed in without giving any information about her condition.

Moksh is talking to a nurse asking about Shradha but my focus is on my ring finger of my left hand.
Wedding ring to be presice.

I have failed.
Ignoring the good ones I kept demons near me.

I hurt someone who unknowingly saved me numerous time from being drugged just by existing in my life.

I hurt her yet she never conplaiined.

Now that I think of it....how could I do this to her.

We were friends once when everything was fine between our fathers.
We were little kids.
I barely remember my childhood with her but I remember that I was so comfortable with her.

I have a sister ..if someone behaved this way with her , how would I feel, drugged or not....in my senses or not I don't have any right to hurt her.

But what was she doing at the hotel with woodland.
He must have tricked her or else she would never go willingly.
She said she had some work but how did she reached there.

I have lot of things to do find  out and so much messto clean.......and so much respect to give to her if I don't love her  ..the least I can do is to respect her and cherish her presence in my life.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up it was Laksh.

"They are tied up in the headquarters waiting for you"
He said

" those bastards can breathe for an hour extra but right now all you need to know right now is,if Shradha is gonna be okay. She needs you brother"

"I know"I whispered and looked at the door
Waiting vfir her to be okay.
The light above the door finally switched off and I sprang up from the sit and rushed towards it

"How is she doctor?" I whispered, praying in my mind for her, I won't be able to forgive myself if something happened to her.

"She is out of danger Mr. Rajput. But she is still unconscious and she will have to be under observation for next few days"
The doctor felt relieved when he finally saved her.

"C- can I see her?"

I asked , hoping to see her.

"Yes but we first have to transfer her in her room" he replied and went back in.

Right after 2 minutes the door opened again and the stretcher was rolled out and the sight was enough to break my heart.

She looked so pale.
Her lips are cracked and pale.
Her limbs lied lifelessly by her side.and she looked too thin .
It seemed she lost so much weight and life since today morning when I last saw her.
I slowly walked up to her and held her hand, bending down I kissed her forehead  and gave way to the staff to roll her to her room.

While I turned to the other side and quickly wiped the tear of relief that finally managed to skip through my eyes.

Happy rakhsa bandhan.

Well wishes to all the brothers and sisters.

Well wishes to all the soldiers that Don't have any relation with us by blood still they are away from their own blood to keep us safe.


Sorry for being late with the updates ..but this month was a little tough for me.
(Corona issues)

And sorry of this update didn't satisfy you.
I was so guilty for not updating and o finally wrote it today during attending my college lecture today.

Yes lecture on rakshabandhan that too on a Sunday ...but that is what it is when they try to complete 6months syllabus in 4 months and you know this is happening?
It's because our batch had late entrance exams rhus our session started late.and thus we have so less time compared to our seniors to complete the syllabus.

We were late by 4 months in admission,
(2020batch-12th standard)
Thus each semester they are trying to make up that time.So that after 5 years, after the completion of our bachelor,we don't lag behind others in getting the degree.

Ufff that's our batch's saf life.
Aaaand my exams are starting from 1st September....yaaay
Exams on even Ganesh chaturthi !!! That too when I'm in Maharashtra...can you believe it!?!?!

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