Chapter 14: Little Blades In A Line From Your Skin To Mine.

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Your POV 

It was a breathtaking view to see Camila pressing on the white keys of the baby grand piano. It literally made my heartache, well, either that or my medication wasn't working. Either way the view was more than I could handle. One of those views that I'm sure could rid the world of sadness. She seemed so focused on each key she pressed and the piece of paper in front of her. You didn’t have to interact with her to know that she had a beautiful soul. I had to stop messing around. I was hurting her and I was hurting Lauren. Out of all people Kendall really put things in perspective for me. Her words were harsh and most likely unnecessary but they were all true. I had to stop putting my selfish needs above their feelings. I had to stop lying to myself about being in love with the both of them. I am in love with both of them but it isn’t the same type of love. I had to stop being such a hypocrite with Lauren and the whole Cara ordeal. She made a mistake, the same one I had made just months earlier and it wasn't as bad as mine. Camila had done nothing but yet she kept getting hurt time over time. I had to stop making either of them an option for when the other hurt me. I fucking hated it but Kendall's words kept on replaying in mind. 

After I asked for permission for the both of us. I made my way down the hallway. That’s where I encountered Kendall. I hated that she looked like she was on a runway just walking down the hallway. I wanted to trip her but just like Camila and Lauren, she didn't deserve it either. Fuck her and her model complexion.  

I was surprised when she stopped right in front of me. "Y/N right? Can I talk to you?" Kendall asked. 

"I'm on way somewhere. I don't have time." I tried not to sound rude but this was the best excuse I could come up with. I was already refraining from rolling my eyes. 

"I know you're going to the music room. I just spoke with Camila."  

"Like I said I don't have time." I told her again.  

"Just a couple of minutes. I want to talk to you about Camila."  

"You and I have nothing to discuss about Camila." How dare she try and talk to me about Camila.  

"I'll make it quick since you seem to be quite unreasonable. I understand now why you keep doing what you're doing."  

I shoved my hands into my jean pockets so that I wouldn't shove her against the wall. "You know nothing about me nor about my relationship with Camila. So. Back. Off." She had just ignited a fire in my veins. 

"Look Camila came to me yesterday. I can't believe you let that happen. She’s hurt but she tells me that it's finally over between you both. I'm going to ask you to leave her alone this time and actually do it." I hated her smug face and how she talked so nonchalantly like we were exchanging recipes. 

She just kept adding fuel to the fire she started. "I don't know who you think you are but you need to stop talking to me about Camila. It isn't any of your business. Don't think you can tell me what to do. Besides, Camila will never love you." I could feel my chest and my breathing crashing against each other. 

"It is my business actually. You might have been stupid enough to let her go but I'm not. You made your choice. You chose that other girl, now leave Camila alone. She's not a girl to have as an option she's been nothing but good to you and all you do is hurt her. Let her be happy. I'm sorry for saying this because I don't know you. But what I do know is that she will eventually find out that she’s so much better without you. Stop feeding her hope if you're not going to give yourself to her 100 percent. Give her a chance to forget you and be happy. She's an amazing girl, more than you obviously deserve, you had your chance and you wasted it. So move out of the way so that I can undo what you did and make her see that there is better love than the one you gave her."  

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