"I am done ." She stands up and scurries off downstairs.

I went to my home office as I had to prepare some paperwork .


Jhanvi's POV :-

"Ah ha look who's here !" Dadi exclaimed as soon as I entered the kitchen .

"Hi you guys ." I reply back .

"Don't you hi us , come here , we want all the details ." Mira pulled me towards where they are standing .

"What details are you talking about ? " I feign innocence .

"Seriously Jaanu ." Dadi narrowed her eyes at me .

"Guys hold your horses . Nothing happened last night ."

"And pigs can fly my dear ." Dadi scoffed .

"I am telling the truth . We just ate ice-cream and then slept ."
I told them honestly .

"How boring ." They both said with disappointment.

"So jokes apart . Jhanvi you will have to cook a sweet dish as your Pehli Rasoi .

But as you don't know how to cook , Mira will help you out ."

" No , Dadi . I can do it . I practiced a few things back at home ." I assured her.

"Are you sure you'll manage on your own ?"

"Yup . Just wish me luck . "

"Sure , dear . All the best ." She palms my cheek and goes out .

"All the best Jhanvi . I know you'll do good ." Mira wishes me too .

"Mira , you can go , don't worry I won't burn down the kitchen ."

She let out a nervous chuckle.

"Sure , I'll just check up on Sia , her Papa has been giving her too much chocolates now a days ."

After she is gone , I make sheera as it very easily done and that's the best dish by far which I know.

During lunch everyone praised my dish and indeed it turned out to be brilliant . Then we all sat in the lawn chit chatting and laughing while Dadi showed us Aryan's childhood album . That's when I realised why she calls him Kaddu . He was a very chubby kid when he was small.

When the clock struck five we all retired back to our rooms as my makeup artist will be here shortly to help me with my reception .

Aryan was getting ready in the guest bedroom upstairs while the lady prepped me up.

I wore a red frill gown which was a wedding gift from Vishal . He did an excellent job with the gown.

" Your wedding outfits are going to be listed in the top five dressess of the wedding season , Ma'am ." The lady spoke beaming at me.

"Yeah , thank you ." I said politely as I did not know how to react at this.

Honestly , you can be so dumb at times.

She went back as her work was done. I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe my eyes. This me is so different from the regular me. All the makeup is at point . The gown fits perfectly to all my curves. The clicking of the door alerted me.

Aryan comes in , he's wearing a black three piece suit . And , Oh , heavens ! Does he look breathtaking ! Perfectly gelled hair and those strong grey eyes of his . I couldn't take off my eyes from his beautiful form . He held my gaze and charged towards me which felt like slow motion . Suddenly the room felt smaller and smaller. It is like I am drowning in his presence and I don't want to be saved. I just want to keep looking at him . My heart is beating so loudly , I fear he might hear my heartbeats if he comes any closer.

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