"You want me to stay with you today?"

He closed his eye and squeezed me gently "I wan't you to stay with me always"

I sighed and rest my forehead on his, I was so confused about that I wanted. I wanted to be with Josh becuase he was so good to me, he put me up and I felt so comfortable with him. I want Nathan becuase I feel that he truly cares for me, cares for what I need and understands everything.

I traced the outline of his chest tattoo and sighed again, I wanted this to be simple. I wanted to be able to give an answer straight away, to be able to tell him who I wanted. But nothing in my life is simple, nothing in my life is as it seems. My whole family has fallen apart and my life seems to be going in the same direction.

"Run" He whispered


"Run away with me?" He opened his eyes and looked at me

I laughed and looked back to the tattoo I was tracing, he held my wrist and I looked up at him "I'm serious, run away with me and forget everything"

"Nathan I can't" I smiled

He sat up now and looked down at me "Why not, what's keeping you here?"

I laid on my back and looked up at him "We can't, where would we go...I have no money and neither do you"

He looked at me then and I furrowed my brow "Do you?"

He shrugged "A small inheritence"

"How much?" I sat up now, eager to find out

" One mil" He looked down

I gasped "You have one million dollars?"

He looked back up at me and smiled "This is what happens when you're family are rich bastards and want you to get an education, they bribe you with money"

"Oh my god"

He grabbed my shoulders "We can do this! We'll get a job, we'll have a house and we'll live away from here...We'll move countries if we have to but there will be no drama"

"I don't know" I looked away

"Dyl!" He shook me gently "This will work, everything tying us down and keeping us apart; gone! Think about it!"

I looked at him, his eyes held the excitment he felt. They looked over my face, begging me to say yes and believe me I wanted to, I wanted to go and be with him and have a happy life away from the drama and grow old with him; but I still have a life here

I looked abck to him and around at my room, all the pictures on my back wall and sighed. And that's when I made my decision, I made my mind up of who I wanted, and I wanted Nathan. The pain in my chest that I normally feel when I see the picture of Cody and I; it wasn't there, there was no pain and longing and that empty feeling was gone.

I looked back at Nathan and laughed nervously "Okay"

"What?" He seemed shocked by what he heard

I smiled "Let's run away"

"You're serious?" His face broke into the biggest smile

I nodded and he grabbed me, squeezing me tightly and jumping off the bed, he threw my wardrobe open and pulled the suitcase off the top, grabbing everything off the hangers and soving it in, I rolled my eyes as he put everything into my suitcase "It's not all going to fit"

"Get some backpacks then" He instructed

I did as he said and went under my bed for all the backpacks that I owned, I handed them to him one by one as he filled them all up. He told me to put ont he clothes that I had on last night and then began carrying everything down the stairs after getting dressed himself. I went into the bathroom to grab some toiletries and looked at all my stuff on the floor by the door, I grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste as well as a few bits from the cupbored.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun and stood by the door, shoving the bits I grabbed from the bathroom in the first bag I saw and watching as Nathan came in from the living room. He smiled at me and chucked my my car keys, I opened the front door and unlocked my car and going to open the trunk. Nathan rushed past me with the heavy suitcase and dumped it in, I kept passing him bags as he ran back and fourth , loading the car up until he slammed it down and looked at me


I took a deep breath and looked back to the house, I had left a note for dad telling him that there was nothing left here for me, I was constantly on my own and I needed to escape the pain and memories of the place. I now needed to text Josh.

I ran up to my room and looked at the empty looking place, the bed un-made and the wardrobe doors still open, I walked over and closed them before making my bed up and grabbing the picture of Cody and I from the middle of the picture wall. Nathan came up and sw me sat on my bed, he sat down beside me and put his arm round my shoulders "C'mon"

I nodded and stood up, saying my goodbyes to the house and shutting the door, locking it for the final time and getting into my car. I looked to Nathan who leant foward and kissed me, I pulled my phone out and text josh

"Josh, I know this is so sudden, but I'm leaving, infact, I've left. These past few months have been so precious to me and I can't thank you enough, but I need to get out, I need to be somehwere away from here. Wherever I go I just have have constant reminders of Cody and the life I used to have before everything fucked up...I'm sorry, thank you"

I put my phone on the dash and looked to Nathan "Right, to your place?"

"Why?" He questioned me

I rolled my eyes "To get your stuff of course"

He shifted uncomfortably "I uhm- I've had all my stuff at yours for a while now"

I shut my mouth and nodded, knowing that the majority of it was prbably in Cody's room. I sniffed and took a deep breath, i didn't need to be thinking about their relationship. This was a new start and I wasn't about to fuck things up before it had even started. I looked at him and chucked him the map fromt he pocket on the back of my seat.

"Navigate me, Sykes"...



whatcha' think?

I think I'm fairly in love with this, it's a normal au book...Not some dark weird twist, I'm quite proud of myself


Anyway, see you next time


3 am 》sykesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin