Chapter 18

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It's been two months since the passing of Michael and Nina still has difficulty sleeping. Still lying-in bed, she looked across the room over at the dresser at their wedding pictures, in different sizes and colorful neatly placed in picture frames; tears filled her eyes as she blamed herself continuously for his death. She was still sick with grief. The only sound could be heard was the robust ticking of the clock on the wall. The aroma of the scented candles infused her deeply, as she lay quietly in the darkness, which has become her sanctuary.

"It's all her fault, Michael would still be alive if she had only listened to him but no, she had to insist on getting her way, and now look what happened. It would be far better to have him crippled and alive than to have him dead and not even a body to bury. It was as if he never existed. Tears streamed down her face. "When is all this going to end? she murmured to herself as she tossed and turned miserably.

Then she suddenly realizes that although the fan was on, she was perspiring at an alarming rate. The day before it was far more comfortable; but tonight, it seemed especially hot and stuffy. She tossed and turned, straining for sleep which wouldn't come. Finally, she relinquished all hope of rest and threw back the sheet impatiently.

On bare feet she silently padded across the tile floor to open the French doors and proceeded silently onto the veranda and leaned her elbows on the railing.

In the distance she caught brief glimpses of the neighbouring mountain ranges just before the place was covered over with complete darkness. She closed her eyes and tipped her face to the small amount of fresh breeze coming from the few trees surrounding the house. She felt exhausted and very alone. She felt as if civilization were light –years away. She shivered slightly in the night air and grieved suddenly for the gentle touch of Michael, and the softness of his body rubbing against hers.

The following day she still wasn't feeling well. She was experiencing dizziness, and slight headaches, days following she was still feeling the uncomfortableness, she needed to visit her doctor but she was out of town and won't be back for weeks. Finally, on the advice of her concerned friend Lisa, she went to see a doctor.

She pushed the door open. The bell tinkles, with a soft but shrill ring. A wave of air freshener masked with a soothing scent washed over her. Chairs were neatly spaced in the waiting room.

A number of magazines lie neatly on the wooden frame glass top coffee table. A little way forward from where she stood was a desk, where a small lady receptionist sat, busily sorting out a pile of files on the desk in front of her. Nina walked over to her and registered. Upon completion, the receptionist, indicates to her, to have a seat in an unoccupied chair close by.

A few nervous patients were already there; trying to avert their eyes from the closed threatening doors leading to a dentist's surgery room, close by. Where an ominous high-pitched whirring sound could be heard coming from. Occasionally, one by one the receptionist calls out the patient's name.

Nina's time came for her to go in to see doctor Walters. She anxiously took up her bag and briskly walked towards the closed door. She knocked, a low voice said.

"Please come in."

She entered the room and explained to the doctor what was happening to her, and after ruling out a few things, he recommended a pregnancy test. Nina was like.

"Seriously doc" that's not possible."

Reluctantly she did the test and within a short period of time she got the result. the doctor said.

"Mrs. Charles, you're two months pregnant. Nina sat there for a moment, shocked by the news. When she found the strength, she responded, "But this can't be."

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