Chapter 3

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At approximately seven o'clock a taxi picked up Nina and drove her to Seven Seas for dinner. As soon as she entered the room, she was approached by a waiter who accompanied her to a table in a quiet corner, were Mr. Charles was seated.

On seeing her walking towards him. He stood up and stretched out his hand towards her welcoming her. He was wearing a beautifully tailored black dinner jacket that flattered his short black wavy hair, giving him that sophisticated look.

It would be quite easy to drown deep in those strong arms of his. Nina thought. As soon as she sat down evidently charmed by Nina's appearance he said." Miss Curtis, do you know you're a very beautiful woman?"

Nina knew she was but still she blushed as she responded to his compliment.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Charles"

He smiled at her. Hope bloomed inside her, and an unexpected happiness consumed her. They ordered drinks, followed by dinner and after which they went into a discussion concerning the loan.

Mr. Charles was the first to bring it up.

"Miss Curtis I'm going to be frank with you. Not one bank will be willing to give you a loan, without a certain amount of equity, and that's something you just don't have.

I honestly would like to assist you. I like your idea and your enthusiasm. However, it would be a great risk if I were to decide to lend you the loan. .

" He watched her face as he expressed his concerned, but she showed no expression, even though on the inside, she suspected that her world was about to fall apart.

Nina listened with much anticipation as he continued speaking.

"I get this feeling though that if you were to be given the opportunity you would do well."

When Nina heard those words, she felt a sudden flare of joy and her hopes soared once more. But she concealed it perfectly. She didn't know what to say, she remained quiet and listened keenly to every word spoken by Mr Charles. At the same time she was mentally figuring out what her next move should be, just in case Mr Charles turned her down.

Nina desperately needed that loan and she was willing to do what she could to get it. Finally, after one lengthy speech as if he didn't intend to stop, he did. He took a sip of his wine, replaced the glass, and said.

"I have a proposition for you."

Nina instantly became curious, gave him a questioning look. "Okay, shoot I'm listening."

He smiled at her showing some startlingly perfect white glistening teeth.

"You are a very intelligent woman, you know what you want and you're very ambitious, incredible and lovely. I really do like you, and I think I'm going to help you".

Upon hearing those words, she was flabbergasted. Joy and gratitude welled up inside of her, and in a matter of moment, before she could fully digest what she had heard.

"He bent closer to her and whispered in her ears.

"I'm sure you could have any man you want, but I like you a lot and I hope you will do me the honour and be my woman."

The wine glass fell instantly from her hand, her mouth wide opened, but lost for words, and her eyes took in more light than expected, while her brain went on sudden pause.

Imagine one moment you're filled..... with... excitement and then from out of nowhere a bomb exploded that left you lost for words. You're wondering what had happened. Bewildered by Mr. Charles absurd behaviour. After a brief paused, exhaling noisily through one's pursed lips, she pulled herself together and asked.

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