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So this is going to provide some backstory for the Moon star and blue moon pack, I hope you liked it.

Narrator's pov

The earth is home to many creatures humans, animals and the supernatural or more specifically werewolves. Werewolves have roamed the earth for thousands of years ever since the time of the cavemen, there is no telling as to how they came to be but they've just been on earth for a very very long time, longer than you may be able to imagine.

Werewolves are separated into packs which are scared across different continents and countries and they either live in remote areas away from humans or some live within the human community living peacefully although humans aren't actually aware of werewolves existing although some speak of tales passed down through generation about beasts with glowing eyes that lurk within the woods on a full moon.

In the world there are well over 100 werewolf packs and most of them are known especially the three strongest packs, the Moon star pack, the Blue moon pack and the blood moon pack. These were very strong and powerful packs especially the Moon star pack which was actually a royal blood line, that pack consisted of a royal family whom were loved, admired and respected by all the packs except rogue wolves and the blood moon pack who grew corrupted and thirsty for power and dominance over all other packs.

The Moon star pack cared about all packs especially families and they would always help those who needed it. They often let in wolves who had been shunned from their packs because they were rejected by their mate or they felt they didn't belong in their own pack. They were also known for doing trades with other packs and offering protection to those that were in danger.

However despite their friendly and devoted nature they could quickly turn in an instant if their pack or a family member was being threatened. They took threats seriously and always sought to dealing with threats immediately to get the matter sorted and they always came out on top.

The latest leaders of the Moon star pack had been King Roman and his mate Queen Amalia, they were the finest and most devoted and fiercest leaders the Moon star pack had ever had. Their love story was beautiful too, everyone has their own love story of how they met their mate well they had theirs too. 

Roman and Amalia had met when they were 16 and somehow knew they were mates without getting the usual feelings a wolf would get after meeting your mate.  Nobody knew how they knew but they just did, they said they knew it in their hearts that they were each others and that they would not leave the others side despite their parents being cryptic who sought to keep them apart just until they were 18 just to be sure because a mating ceremony or wedding could not take place unless it was certain they were mates.

This didn't stop Roman and Amalia though as they would only find ways around their parents to get to each other and they'd spend hours together before returning home, they did this for two years until they both turned 18 and surely enough they got those feelings, the smell of each others scent, the sweating palms, the rapidly beating heart and the feeling of time standing still. These were indicators that they were mates so their parents accepted it and the packs did too.

Roman was a Prince he was the heir to the Moon star pack while Amalia was from a smaller pack so when they had their wedding and mating ceremony, Amalia became not just Roman's wife/mate but also Moon stars Queen. When Amalia joined Roman's pack through marriage, her pack became part of the Moon star pack too.

To the supernatural world they were the main pack, the powerful pack with royal blood flowing through their veins while to the human world Roman and Amalia were just a King and Queen, they were royals who ruled a Kingdom.

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