✧*̥˚Chapter 8*̥˚✧

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THE NEXT MORNING I wake up, Sarah's already at the mirror getting ready for the day.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It's 10:30am" Sarah replies.
"I'm going back to sleep" I reply, rolling back over and pulling the duvet over my head.
Sarah comes running over and pulls the duvet back. "Nope! I refuse to let this happen" She shouts at me.
"Let what happen?" I groan.
"Letting you go back in this little depression cave. I love you Eve and this is not happening again." She sits at the edge of the bed.
"I'm worried Sarah" I whisper, trying to keep my voice still.
Sarah pulls me in for a hug.

I've struggled with depression for the past few years. Sarah and the rest of the Cameron's have always been aware and there for me. And Sarah is there for me every step of the way, whenever it's gotten so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed. Last summer was the worst, and I don't know if I could cope with another year of it. I'm just glad I have Sarah though.

"It's going to be okay, we're going on a boat ride today if you want to come?" She smiles at me pulling away.
"Okay. I think I need to go home and grab some clothes first." I answer her.

"Be quick!" Sarah shouts down the stairs as I leave to go back to my house.
I skate off as quickly as possible and before I know it I'm home. I let myself in and run upstairs, grabbing a tote bag and filling it with as many clothes possible. I pull on a blue bikini, a white long sleeve shirt which I leave unbuttoned and some ripped jean shorts.

Once I've finished I head back downstairs and grab a water from the fridge.
"I was wondering when you'd be back"
I jump as I wasn't expecting anybody to be home.
"Hiiiii daaaad" I try to smile at him.
"Where you off to?" He asks me.
"The Cameron's. Figured I'd stay there for a few days. Let you do your thing" I smile at him weakly.
"Okay darling" He kisses me on the the cheek and heads upstairs. My dad isn't much of a talker.

I skate back to the Cameron's house and let myself in.
"You're back already?" I look up and Rafe's stood in front of me.
"I'm staying for a few days. Just letting my dad sort his shit out." I shrug my shoulders.
"Oh right okay" He answers back.
I fiddle with my ring awkwardly as Rafe takes a step forward.
"Look about the other day" He mumbles.
I look up at him and he stares back at me. I feel my heart beating hard in my chest.
"Hey guys, you almost ready?" Sarah asks, making me jump.
"Yes I'm ready" I smile at her.

"What was going on there?" She asks when we're walking on the pier, out of sight from Rafe.
"Oh yknow he was just teasing me like always. He's been even more annoying recently" I say. Technically not a lie.
"Tell me about it." She complains.

We climb onto the boat and set off. Wheezie, Sarah and I sunbathing up front.
"I'm gonna go grab a soda, you want one?" I ask them both.
"Grab me a coke please" Wheezie answers.
"I'm good" Sarah says.
"Okay" I smile and walk off to get a soda from the ice box.

When I come back Rafe's in my spot.
"Up. Now." I snap at him.
"Finders keepers" He laughs to himself.
"Oh is that how it is?" I smirk at him.
I launch myself at him, trying to push his six foot three ass off of my towel but he won't budge. We're both laughing our heads off.
"Nice try Eve" He smiles and gets up. "You could've just asked nicely."
"You don't deserve to be asked nicely" I say, half joking half not.

Around an hour passes of us lounging in the sun when Ward stops the boat.
"Who's up for going swimming in the ocean?" He shouts out.
I jump up and pull my jean shorts and shirt off. I catch a glimpse of Rafe, who smiles at me. I suddenly remember his words from yesterday.
'I've always loved you in blue' and I blush.
Before he can see I go to the side of the boat and jump into the ocean.

"Sarah are you coming in?" I shout at her.
"Nah I'm good" I hear her shout back.
"Just us two then" I look to Wheezie who's treading water.
It's not just us two for long though as Rafe launches himself into the ocean.
"Jesus christ Rafe you nearly drowned me with that splash" Wheezie complains. We all laugh and start splashing eachother.

Wheezie quickly gets bored of being in the water and swims to the ladder to climb back up onto the boat.
I float on my back, looking up at the sky. Not paying attention to Rafe, who's swimming towards me. I barely get chance to catch my breath as he grabs me by the waist and launches me.
"You. Asshole!" I scream, trying to catch my breath.
He swims back over to me. "You've gotta admit it was pretty funny" He laughs to himself.
I glare at him and he pulls his puppy dog eyes at me. I splash him in the face, hoping the salt water stings his eyes as payback.
"I deserved that" He says, wiping the water from his eyes.
Suddenly, my heart starts beating faster as I feel Rafe's arm wrap around my waist and pull me in. I stare into those blue eyes almost forgetting where I am.
"Stop." I snap at him, swimming over to the ladder. I don't look back at him.

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