The Marvel Antics 1

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Inspired by an Instagram post I saw


Bruce: Are you a vegetarian

Thor: No I'm Asgardian

Nat: Thor you're a Gemini

Bucky: I thought he was British

Loki: No he's Australian, I'm British

Tony *extremely confused*: I thought you were bisexual

Valkyrie: No he's gender fluid, I'm bisexual

Thor: I thought you were a Valkyrie

Clint: *banging his head against the wall*

Steve: What are you? A woodpecker?

Nat: No he's an archer

Tony: I thought he was Hawkeye
Bucky: Wait What were we talking about

Bruce: I was asking if Thor was a vegetarian

Loki: he is vegetarian because Asgard is a salad

Thor: I- what?

Mobius: My salad is not Asgard IT IS MY LUNCH

Wanda: bItCh-

Sylvie: Technically it was your lunch

Strange: Wtf-

Steve: Who are you?

Tony: How did you get in here?!

Thor: LOKI



Wanda: DID NOT

Peter P: I thought I broke the timeline

Strange: No you didn't your innocent

Bucky: Wait who's Sylvie?

Sam: The blonde one

Sylvie: bItCh how would you know

Sam: How would I know? How do you know Wanda?

Peter P: You know Loki and Sylvie give off a similar vibe

Mobius: That's because she's his variant

Tony: The fuck is a Variant?

Kid Loki: Me I'm a variant

Thor: Who are you?!

Classic Loki: He's a Loki

Kid Loki *to Thor*: I thought I killed you

Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Wanda, Sam, Bucky, T'Challa🕊, Mobius, Strange: ...YOU KILLED HIM?!?!?!

Valkyrie: I'm not surprised

Loki: Wait was it that one time when we were 8 and we transformed ourselves into a snake because we know he loves snakes so when he picked up the snake to admire it we transformed back into ourselves and went "Ha it's me!" And then we stabbed him

Kid Loki: yeah it was

Bruce: Yeah this seems like a family issue

President Loki: Why the hell is there an alligator in here?!

Kid Loki, Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, Loki: HES A LOKI

Sylvie: Croki

Peter: Croki?

Sylvie: Croki.

Thor: Croki's my favorite

Loki: You just met him!

Peter: "You can't marry a man you just met"

Shuri: "You can If it's true love"

Peter "Anna what do you know about true love?"

Shuri: "More than you. All you know is how to shut people out!"

Tony and T'Challa🕊: Oh god there's two of them
Vision *to himself*: Wait wasn't Loki dead? And Mr Stark and Miss Romanoff were dead to right?
Vision: Wait wasn't I dead?!

Lol I have to go to a wedding on Sunday and I have nothing to wear ✌️

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