Chapter 2: Hunting the Hunter

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Shonn's expression scrunched into a snarl, his grip tightening on Selene's upper arm. "Listen here, Guard—"

In the blink of an eye, Draven grasped Shonn's wrist and yanked his hand off of Selene. He peered down at Shonn, thankful for his height. "I told you to unhand her."

Shonn tore away from him, his face turning purple. "You dare touch me? To manhandle me? I am heir of House Channing, you fool."

"And I am Lady Selene's guard, tasked with keeping her safe. You'd do well to remember that."

Shonn jabbed his finger at Draven's chest. "I refuse to tolerate such insolence, especially from an inferior. My mother and stepfather will be told of your behavior." He stormed past Draven before disappearing into the solar, like a juvenile throwing a tantrum.

A small part of Draven was concerned. After all, his mission was dependent upon his ability to hold his position here as Selene's guard. That meant he would have to make himself indispensable by doing what the other guards couldn't: keeping Selene in her room at night.

"Perhaps that wasn't your best choice of conduct, given they hired you today," Lady Selene said. But the glint in her eyes suggested that she was at least a little impressed.

"They hired me to guard you," he said evenly, "and I intend to do so." But, even outside his duty, there was something that made him feel... protective. Perhaps because he knew what it felt like to be unwanted in one's own family. In many ways, she was like he'd been as a younger man.

And then there was the vulnerability he sensed in her, like an abused flower keeping its bruised petals furled protectively around itself. He had a weakness for trying to aid distressed maidens—which had gotten him in trouble with Evelyn.

She met his eyes. "Have my parents told you about the other guards?"

"They have."

"And you still wanted this position? Why?"

To capture the Scorpio spy and save Alaric's and Evelyn's lives. "The pay."

"Other positions pay more." When he didn't reply, she continued, "I just thought I should warn you that your fate will be the same as the other guards'. Perhaps you should resign before Shonn can persuade them to fire you."

A slight grin tugged at his lips. She might be plain, but she was filled with fire. "Encouragement isn't your strong suit, is it?"

Her own lips turned upward in a smile before she smoothed them back into a straight line. Unfortunate. A smile made her appearance verge on lovely. "You could say that. And I don't mean to be rude. I just wanted to warn you."


"Because if you fail to do your job, your reputation will be damaged. If you resign—"

"No, I meant 'why do you care?'"

Selene glanced at the door to her parents' solar, and for the first time, Draven heard muffled shouts and exclamations behind it. "I appreciate what you did for me. Just now."

Draven clenched his jaw until pain shot up his cheeks. "Did the other guards not do the same?"

"I don't blame them." Her smile was a twisted reflection of the one he'd seen earlier. "Their position was at stake, after all."

"So they placed the security of their position above their duty." Her former guards had better hope and pray that they would never cross paths with Draven; he would teach them a lesson they wouldn't easily forget.

More thoughts flickered behind her eyes, and for a moment, he hoped that she would continue to engage him. Instead she said, "It doesn't matter now. Good day, Guard Raban."

Murderess by Moonlight: The Torvan Trilogy Book II (Sample Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now