Yubaba's Bath House

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Spirited Away is part of this chapter. Once again, I do not own Naruto, or Spirited Away. Hayo-sama and Kishi-sama own them.

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Third POV.

"Kakashi, you already know of Zen, and it's existance. But, you don't know what Zen is, do you?" The Hokage asked. Kakashi stood infront of the Hokage's desk and shook his head at the old man.

"What does that have to do with why she was under the River, and alive?" Kakashi asked, then cursed himself for inturuptting, and just shook his head. "What is Zen?"

"Zen is a powerful being. Zen hasn't told me much about it's existance, and I can't force information out of him. It's just very rude to do so.. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side. Zen is hiding it's power.. the power has more so than me and you combined."

"What?" Kakashi asked and his eye widened slightly in shock.

"Whats more is that about twice a year, Zen would sneak out of Konaha, and no matter how many times I've keeped track or gotten ANBU to tail her, they would never find where she disappears to."

"When is her time to sneak out?" Kakashi asked.

"I've narrowed it down to sometime this week, Zen will sneak off without a word. I want you and your team to go with her, and watch her. That is your new assigned mission. I need to be sure that Zen isn't a spy."

"Why don't you just get someone else to?" 

"Because you're her team, and wherever one person goes, the others go aswell. And she is valuable to Konaha." The Third said and smoked his pipe.

"Yes, then. Lord Hokage." Kakashi said, taking the folder and leaving to visit Zen in the hospital.

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Zen POV.

Waking up to white familiar walls of the hospital. I stretched and looked at my hands. They were clean, but on the inside I felt mucky and slow. My head pounded and my heart thudded painfully. 

It feels like I should visit Yubaba and Haku soon for my bath. I'm in the hospital, so I suppose I can leave now without anybody noticing.

Getting up I noticed a pecking at my window.

Zen! Are you going to The Bath House

It was Kikoenai. I nodded to her question, and I felt my warm feet touch the cold floor. Shoes..

No. I don't have shoes. 

I'll have to borrow some more clothes and things from Haku and Yubaba. I'll have to bring something in turn though. Oh,  I think I still have the scroll somewhere.

"Yes, I'm going to go.. Perhaps tonight, or tomorrow. I'm not feeling too well." I told Kiko. She chirped in a nod and I opened the window to let her in. I went to the door and opened it to walk into a person.  Looking up I saw it was Kakashi.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Home." I stated and pushed past him, Kakashi grabbed my arm and pulled me to look at him.

"You are a part of Team 7, as our Team Mate, and my student it is your job to work with me." Kakashi said.

"I thought I wasn't a part of Team 7, because I didn't get a bell." I stated.

"You passed, because the objective was Team Work." He said and let go of my arm.

"Then what is this about? Did the Hokage want you to keep an eye on me? Follow me like the ANBU that usually do during this time of the year?" I know he's up to something. Nobody just comes to visit me in the hospital. Nobody.

A Shadow of a Shinobi {Naruto/Spirited Away Fan Fiction}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ